chapter five

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"No," he says. A low laugh gurgles out of his throat. "No, you're not. It's common knowledge that you and Cameron have hated each other for a couple years now."

Yes, I think. That's exactly right. I hate him. He hates me.

"No," I say, instead. I'm not quite sure of what I am saying. "Turns out hate and love are quite easy to mix-up sometimes."

He grabs my face, just for a moment. I close my eyes. He releases, but makes sure to push me back first.

"You won't last two weeks with that bastard. He's nothing like what you like. He's nothing like me."

"Yes, and, I don't like you. Did you forget that again?"

"Oh, please, Lux." He scoffs in my face. "Stop just spewing out shit. He's a drug addict, and what's that word you like to use? A man-whore?"

I swallow. "T-That's not true," I say. "That's a lie. He's not a man-whore. And he's not a druggie, either. Or at least, he was."

"He still is, Lux. Are you on something?"

"Well, he quit." The words leave quite the impact on the atmosphere. "You— You saw him." I swallow. "He wasn't on or dealing anything today.

Keep going, Lux, a voice says. Just keep spewing out whatever comes to mind!

"Lux!" A voice some distance away says.

"You picked Cameron," Aaron says, advancing on me. I have to use my entire willpower to not move backwards, into his trap. "You know I hate him. Just like I hate Francis. What's next? O'Connell or St. James, perhaps? What are you playing at?"

Right on the money, Wood, I think. He's a lot closer than he thinks.

Instead, I smile sweetly and bat my lashes. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, I'll show you what I'm talking about—"


A voice, calm, sweet, and almost like a serenade stops both me and Aaron. I turn to the voice, and there stands Michael. He's looking at me like he's found a lost child or something. But then his gaze turns to Aaron, and something in his eyes changes.

He rushes to my side, instead standing right in front of me. His stance blocks my view of Aaron, but I also know that Aaron is easily two or three inches taller than Michael.

"How dare you," he says slowly, "even lay a finger on her?"

"Hey," he says, holding his hands up in the air. "Back off and don't make any assumptions, Reid."

"Oh, shut up." Michael scoffs. "Look at her shoulders! What assumptions do you need to make? Just—"

"Michael," I say, "I've got this."

"For once in your life, Lux, shut up." My eyes widen at his tone and I take in a sharp breath.

"Look, she's fine, man. Why don't you guys just go home? It seems like you're getting kind of cranky." I don't need to look at Aaron to know that he is smiling a cruel smile right now.

"She's not fine!" Michael argues. "Use your fucking eyes, Wood. What's Shoupe and Peterkin gonna say about those shoulders?"

"Michael!" I exclaim.

"Stop it, Lux."

Aaron moves closer into Michael. They can't be more than a few inches away from each other.

"Look, guys, can we just stop this—"

Neither of them even look at me. Instead, Aaron only barks out a laugh.

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now