chapter twenty three

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Brie had forced it out of me. I was in love with Rafe. I was just as in love with him as I was when I was twelve, thirteen, fourteen years old.

I lay between my sheets and blankets, staring upwards at the ceiling. The weight of realization pressed against my chest, and I thought back to several weeks ago, when Brie and I'd hatched this plan. What part of me thought this was a good idea?

Sure, it had gotten rid of Aaron— for the time being. But it had opened up the door to something much worse. It had opened up the door to Rafe Cameron— and to my body, Rafe was a drug that I couldn't stop taking.

How had I let myself into this mess again? What I felt for Rafe...I don't think it was some fleeting crush.

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on my door, and then it creaked open. My Mom peeked inside, a warm smile on her face. "Hey, Luxie. Can I come in?"

I nodded, pulling myself into a sitting position as she entered. My Mom perched on my vanity, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"You seem a bit lost in thought," she observed.

"Yeah, just...a lot on my mind," I admitted, avoiding eye contact. "Relationships are so complicated, you know?"

She reached over, brushing a strand of hair from my face. "What's wrong? Did something happen between you and Rafe?"

"No!" I exclaim, almost too quickly. "No," I repeat. "We're fine. I'm just stressed about thinking about senior year...Midsummers..." I trail off.

"You can always talk to me, you know that, right?"

I offer her a small smile, appreciating her attempt at comfort. "I know."

Her expression shifted, becoming more animated. "Speaking of Midsummers, we need to get you a dress! It's less just a week away."

I groaned inwardly. Midsummers, the event I had been trying desperately not to think about. "Mom, do we have to?"

She laughed. "Of course, we do! It's tradition. And you'll thank me when you see the pictures years from now." As if on cue, she pulled out her phone, scrolling through photos from previous Midsummers celebrations. "See? Look at us and Dad from a couple of years ago. Matching, and you and Rafe in coordinating colors. It's adorable!"

I cringed at the mention of Rafe but forced a smile. "Yeah, cute."

She continued, unaware of the turmoil in my head. "And guess what? Rafe and Rose will be joining us shopping. Isn't that great?"

My heart skipped a beat. Rafe was coming with us? Panic set in, but I masked it with enthusiasm. "Oh, great! That'll"

Her brows furrowed. "I thought you'd be happy."

My eyebrows raised. "No— I am! It's just...Rafe, going shopping with us? That's like subjecting him to torture."

She laughs. "Come on, Luxie. Rafe loves dressing classy. And I'm sure he won't mind if it means seeing you look absolutely stunning in a few dresses." She pauses for a moment to lick her lips. "I've already talked to Rose, and we've decided to coordinate the family colors."

I snort. "Are you serious?"

"No!" She exclaims. "We've wanted to do this for years. You and Rafe getting together was the perfect reason."

"We've been dating for two months, Mom. We're not getting married." I smile, but on the inside, my heart breaks. How will I tell her when Rafe and I break up? Whatever becomes of Rafe and me is inconsequential to me, but our families— who are the closest of friends, will bear the weight of our choices. Their dynamics won't be the same, no matter how much we try to stitch it back together.

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Where stories live. Discover now