chapter twenty

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I couldn't think. And at the same time, I couldn't stop thinking. About Rafe. Aaron. Everything that had happened the night of the bonfire, a week ago. How everything had gone down, in the end.

There was a part of me that wanted to go back to Rafe and tell him that we had to keep doing this. Because of our families, and how happy they were when they saw us. Because of the entire island, and what they would say. Because maybe, I was starting to enjoy his company again.

It had felt too much like old times, which was a good thing.

Till it wasn't.

If I broke this "relationship" off now, my parents would never forgive me. In their eyes, I would be losing my Prince Charming without a fight. They had been waiting for this for so long. Doing this, "breaking this off," without even trying, would break their hearts.

I fold my knees up to my chest. What had I gotten myself into? Why had I done this whole thing? What part of me thought rekindling with Rafe Cameron would be a good idea?

Ever since our falling out, Rafe had always been a hurricane in my life, stirring up destruction and chaos wherever he went. But for the last five weeks, for what felt like a brief moment, it felt like we had found some fragile sort of peace. And after being with him almost every other day, I had truly grown to enjoy his company. I missed him a little more than I felt comfortable admitting.

I knew it couldn't last, though. Rafe and I were destined to clash no matter how hard we tried to avoid it. When we were younger, it didn't matter. But by the time we matured into our bodies and our brain and thoughts changed and developed, we were like oil and water.

My thoughts drifted back to that intense kiss, and a shiver ran down my spine. It had been a moment of raw, unexpected passion— the kind I hadn't felt in a long time— even with Aaron. I could still remember the taste of his lips, the warmth of his body pressing against mine. It had ignited a spark that I couldn't easily extinguish, which was unnerving. As much as I tried to push it away, I couldn't deny the physical response it had awakened within me. I knew he felt it too.

Rafe had a way of igniting emotions within me that I had buried deep for so long. Back then and back now.

A gentle breeze ruffled my hair as I continued to contemplate the mess I'd willingly walked into. I couldn't let it unravel any further. Not for my parents, not for Rafe, and certainly not for myself.

Just then, my phone buzzed with a message. I fished it out from my bag and saw Brie's name flashing on the screen.

Brie: Hey, are you okay? Haven't heard from you in a while.

She was right. I hadn't talked to her, Dior, or even Michael in a week. Partly because I didn't want to talk to anyone, and partly because I didn't know how they'd react. I didn't wanted their sympathy. I wanted answers, answers to what I should do to get me out of this mess. I hesitated for a moment before typing out a reply.

Lux: Yeah, just wanted to be alone. Needed some time to clear my head.

Brie: You've been a little distant lately.

Lux: You know why, Brie.

Brie: You wanna talk about it?

I sighed. Brie had always been there for me, even when I was being stubborn. Maybe it was time to open up a little.

Lux: What's there to say? You saw the same thing I saw.

Brie: There's a lot to say.

Lux: I guess I'm just trying to figure out what's real in all of this. How to get out of this mess. All this with's all so confusing.

HEARTLESS─── RAFE CAMERON [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora