*By Me*

Izuku: "It fits really well!"

He placed a hand on his opposite shoulder and rolled his arm.

Izuku: "And flexible, just like you said!"

He walked over to the two before tapping the mouth piece.

Izuku: "But what is this?"

Nezu: "One of the customizations. All Might brought me a sketch of a hero costume drawing he said you made. I turned the smile into a top of the line respirator. If you reach behind you, you also have a hood."

Izuku did as Nezu suggested and pulled up the hood.

Mina: "Aww! They kinda look like rabbit ears!"

Nezu: "For extra head protection and the spots on the hood light up with a button on the respirator in case you need more light."

Izuku: "I like it, thank you."

Nezu: "Of course. Now, if you reach into your pocket, you'll find a card."

Izuku did as he was told and pulled out a small card, he then turned it so he could see what was on it. On it, was a picture of him along with some information including his technique. Just below his name was the information he was waiting for.

Izuku: "I'm, grade three?"

Nezu nodded.

Nezu: "Now, if you're ready, you and Ashido have a Cursed Spirit to exercise."

Izuku: "Wait, l-like now?"

Mina: "Yep! I just gotta change!"

She then ran towards the shed.

Nezu: "She'll meet us at the car, come on."

Izuku complied and followed their teacher.


The car stopped and both Izuku and Mina stepped out. Mina's uniform was very unique, even when compared to other Jujutsu uniforms. It had a pink and teal camouflage pattern and a white domino mask. She had also been given pants, which wasn't common for female sorcerers, though her fighting style demanded it. As they stepped out, Nezu rolled down the window and spoke up.

Nezu: "This cursed spirit is reported to be grade two. Ordinarily a single grade two sorcerer would be dispatched, but we didn't have any on stand by. The two if you should be enough. Go inside and I'll put up the curtain."

He the rolled up the window and drove around the corner, leaving the two alone. They turned around to look at the building they were dropped off in front of. It was a two-story building, it's exterior indicating it used to be a store with an apartment above it.

Izuku: "So, we just go inside?"

Mina nodded.

Mina: "Mmm hmm."

She patted his shoulder.

Mina: "The faster we do this, the sooner we can go home."

Izuku took in a breath.

Izuku: "Right. Let's do this."

Mina: "That's the spirit! C'mon!"

She began to walk and Izuku followed suit. As they entered, Izuku could feel the built up cursed energy and shivered.

Izuku: "So this is what it feels like."

Mina: "Hm? Oooh. Yeeeaah. I remember my first time doing this. Real creepy feeling. How about we g-"

She had walked around a counter and was about to open a door when it opened incredibly fast. She was able to jump back to avoid getting hit though. Izuku activated his technique, covering his hands in lightning. Slowly, an elongated and bony hand creeped out of the doorway. It was then pressed against the wall and it's owner began to pull itself out of the back area it was in. A green skinned, six legged humanoid figure emerged from the doorway.

Izuku: "T-that's big!"

Mina: "You're telling me."

Izuku pushed more energy into his technique and brought his hands together, ready to form a weapon. As soon as it's full body was out of the room and it stood at it's full height of 9'5", Mina called out.

Mina: "Now!"

Izuku gripped his lightning with both hands and pulled them both apart in a straight line, forming a spear.

Izuku: "Lapse: War Lightning: Spear!"

He threw it at the spirit, the spear pinning it's body to the door it opened.

Mina then rushed forward and splashed acid on it's torso, but before she could get more on, it swatted at her, making her duck. Izuku then rushed in and grabbed it's arm, sending a devastating electric shock through it's system. Now that it was stuck in one place, Mina came back in, leaping over Izuku's head and covering the monster's head in acid, making it dissolve, ending the beast. Izuku stopped his technique as Mina landed and the body fell limply to the floor before fading away. Izuku's companion walked over to him and held out her fist.

Mina: "Good job! Couldn't have done this alone!"

Izuku: "Y-yeah.

She grinned brightly as he fist bumped her.

Izuku: "To be honest, it was exciting. Even though it was a short fight, I had fun."

Mina: "Yeah. We make a good team Midori!"

Izuku became flustered.

Izuku: "M-M-Midori?"

She laughed.

Mina: "Yeah! A cool nick name for my cool sorcerer friend!"

Izuku stayed quiet for a moment.

Izuku: "Midori, I like it."

Mina: "Midori it is! Now let's go! I know a great smoothie place near UA."

Izuku: "R-right!"

The two then left the building. Izuku's first mission as a sorcerer was complete. There were many more to go.

The Cursed Hero of Jujutsu Where stories live. Discover now