Uta's 17th Birthday

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Yoriichi didn't keep track of time. It felt like weeks, but she knew that it had been years since she first met Uta. She and Uta grew up together. Today was Uta's 17th birthday, with Yoriichi turning 17 a couple of months ago. Yoriichi could hardly believe that she made it past the age of seven. She hadn't planned to. Originally, the plan was to find Kibutsuji and then somehow die so that they could both rest.

Yet here she was. Yoriichi had stayed an extra ten years in this world for her best friend.

Uta and Yoriichi became closer and closer and were practically inseparable. They didn't steal as much anymore, since the two were able to find some jobs around the village until they left when they were fifteen. They decided that they wanted to find people who could teach the two of them how to become swordswomen.

Yes, that was the plan. It was still yet to be accomplished.

Two years had passed. They hadn't come any closer to their goal but neither Yoriichi nor Uta found it in them to be bothered about that. Yoriichi had never felt more comfortable with another person than she did with Uta. Throughout the years, she and Uta had started to platonically cuddle each other if either one of them (mostly Uta because Yoriichi is emotionally constipated) was having a bad day.

Yoriichi had decided one day when they were nine that the two of them needed new clothes. They were growing up, after all. They stole most of their clothes, since they didn't have money, but now they did. Yoriichi wore a red haori, which was the one article of clothing that she didn't steal that she had for a while. Uta wore an orangish-yellow kimono and she had decided to let her hair out of the cloth around her head. Uta and Yoriichi did each other's hair often, with Yoriichi putting Uta's hair in pigtails (like William did for her when she was alive) while Uta often put Yoriichi's hair into a high ponytail. Yoriichi... didn't quite know how to feel about her new hairstyle. She loved that it was something new but, at the same time...

Having her hair in pigtails reminded her how... badly... she had been betrayed. And how she would never make that mistake again. (She would.) Yoriichi hates how badly Kibutsuji tricked her. (She does, yet she still loves him. He was the first one to show her what love was. He was also the first one to show her what fake love was.)

Yoriichi just called herself unlovable at this point.

Unless you were apparently Uta (or Michikatsu).

Yoriichi had a feeling that they would be found soon. Hopefully by someone who could take care of them or that could teach Uta (and herself, but she didn't want to admit it) how to use a sword. Yoriichi was still running on barely any food and somehow Uta hadn't noticed (she had, but Yoriichi was trying to convince herself otherwise). Yoriichi put on an act that she didn't like harming people, but Uta has seen her willingly kill demons in the most brutal ways.

Akai Libon is a force to be reconned with, especially with all of Yoriichi's training. It might feel like ribbon or rope, sometimes both, but it was as strong as tungsten. The one thing that William had taught her was about the periodic table, and he had told her about tungsten. Yoriichi had somehow made Akai Libon as strong as this. It wasn't heavy, nor did it appear dangerous.

But it was. Anyone who had witnessed what Yoriichi could do with Akai Libon and lived to tell the tale, aka her best friend (Uta), knew that she had very good control with it. Yoriichi often said that was how she was: delicate and unharmful, but she was really strong and dangerous.

Very dangerous.

She had heard some comments from people saying that she was more dangerous than Afton since she was vengeful. Yoriichi didn't know if that was true. (Andrew said she was dangerous in a bad way. Whatever that meant.)

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