Despite the tension of their unspoken feelings, Jennie's resolve did not waver. She knelt before him, her head bowed in respect.

Her eyes fixated on the ground as the ceremonial vows of knighthood passed, until finally they reached her pledge to knighthood.

"I, Jennie Ruby Jane of House Asteria, pledge my loyalty to His royal highness, Taehyung Ares Delrico, The Crown Prince of the Valorian Empire." She stated firmly, eyes finally meeting his, as Taehyung could do no more than freeze.

A gasp rippled through the crowd.

It was a bold move, unprecedented in the history of these ceremonies.

Traditionally, the empire's knights pledged their loyalty to a family member or a romantic interest, symbolizing personal bonds and allegiances.

But Jennie's pledge was to the empire itself, to its future leader. She was making a statement: her house would always prioritize the greater good over personal desires.

The implications were clear. By pledging to Taehyung, she was also subtly renouncing any ambition to be Empress.

It was a sacrifice, a testament to her commitment to her duties above her personal feelings.

Taehyung's reaction was inscrutable. His eyes met hers as she pledged her loyalty, sword mid air as the entirely of the banquet hall watched on. He didn't know what to think.

Of course, he never expected for her to candidate to be Empress, or even a queen. But the public renouncement was sudden, too sudden and too real.

He paused for a moment, then placed the ceremonial sword on her shoulders, completing the knighthood ritual. "Rise, Lady Jennie of Asteria," he intoned, his voice steady but his eyes betraying a flicker of emotion.

As Jennie stood, the crowd erupted into applause, some in admiration, others in shock.

Whispers filled the room, speculating about the future implications of her pledge. Duke Regan beamed with pride, while others looked on with envy or concern.

The emperor, surprisingly, nodded in approval as their eyes met.

The ceremony continued, but the tone had shifted.

Jennie's actions had set a new precedent, one that spoke of loyalty and sacrifice.

The rest of the ceremony then continued, as the knights joining each command were knighted together, as opposed to the singular knighting that Jennie had received.

Jennie watched as the soon-to-be first command knights walked ahead, already adorned in the ruby red ensemble for the first command.

"You always have to cause a scene, don't you?" A voice beckoned from beside her as Jennie turned around.

Once her eyes met his, she could only roll her eyes, despite the smile that betrayed her.

"Don't be a pain today, Cassian." She muttered, her eyes glaring pointedly.

"What? My childhood friend gets knighted and I can't even speak? I think the authority is getting to you Jennie." He grinned as Jennie sighed.

"Jungkook, I have to set an example as a general. A dignified general. Not a glorified babysitter to the Crown Prince of the Mazocar Kingdom." She muttered lowly, her eyes darting to the curious eyes of other nobles.

"11 years later, still snarky." He commented with a grin, loving the feeling of getting under one of his best friends' skin.

"You two do realise that we're not nine anymore, right? If you two keep whispering around here these nobles are going to imagine a marriage has been decided." A new voice separated the pairs back and forth as Jennie looked over his shoulder to spot the new figure.

Regal | TaennieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora