Chapter 8

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"They had literally no reason to force me inside!" I huffed to the phone, where Ava was still giggling. I had called her again the second I got to my room.
Did she really have to hear all that?
"Ava! Whose side are you on?" I snapped.
She tried to stop laughing, and struggled answering me, "Yours, obviously."
"It doesn't seem like it," I muttered and leaned back, resting against my beds headboard.
"I'm sorry, but the way he said it, I-" She couldn't even finish her sentence before bursting out laughing again.
"You're such a bitch, you know that?" I said, but felt a smirk creeping up on my face, too.
"It took you this long to notice?" She giggled. It took a while, but after she had calmed down, she started speaking again. "No but if I'm being honest, Theo and Mattheo sound like they like you."
"No they don't," I scoffed, and adjusted my position on the bed before adding, "We hate each other, you know that."
"Do you actually hate him?" Ava asked, this time completely serious.
"Who?" I asked back, knowing damn well who she's talking about.
"I... I don't even know. I mean, he is good looking, but his personality? So annoying," I explained.

Honestly, it felt kinda good talking about it to Ava, she knew me the best. We've talked about Theo before, but it just ended up in me denying everything. I didn't even think he'd want me.

I waited for her to answer but before she could, my door opened. I turned to look who it was and lowered my phone's volume, so Ava wouldn't embarrass me again.
Theo's head popped up behind the door. "Is it okay if I come in?"
I was a bit startled, but nodded slowly. "Is it just you?"
"Yeah, it's just me," He answered as he slipped into my room and closed the door.
He stood there awkwardly for a moment, and I ended the call with Ava without saying anything. She'd get an apology later.

"Do you want something, or?" I asked, feeling a bit annoyed. Theo just forced me inside with no reason, and now he's in my room. He'd better be here with an apology, otherwise I'd throw him out .
"I just, I guess I want to say sorry," Theo started. "I don't want you to hate me or anything."
"Oh? Well, that's not enough. Give me a better one," I demanded, smirking.

Oh, he's gonna have to give me the most heartwarming, genuine apology anyone's ever heard. Why? Just because.

"You're really not going to make this easy for me, are you?" He looked at me, and took a step closer.
"Nope. And tell me your motives on why you're being such a cunt towards me while you're at it."
He gave me an uncomfortable smirk that he clearly tried to hide behind his natural smugness. "Fine. I'm so sorry I forced you to go inside."
"I'm sorry I've been a 'cunt' towards you," He said the word sarcastically, which made me frown. "And?"
He rolled his eyes at me, but continued, "I'm sorry I touched your hair."
"And why?" I smirked.
"And I don't even know why. Because it's fun?" He tilted his head as he looked at me.
"Fun to bully someone?" I frowned.
"I wouldn't call it bullying."
"Then what was it?"
"Taking care of you. All the things were true, after all. You could apparate away, you should eat breakfast and you shouldn't be alone outside right now," He explained.
"And you think taking care of me is fun?" I smirked.
"I, uhm..." He clearly got caught off guard.
"I'm kidding, dumbass," I giggled. "Don't respond to that, I don't want to know."
He rolled his eyes, and walked up to my bookshelf. Most of my books were written in English, but some of them were Finnish.
"What language is this?" He asked and took a book in his hand, going through the pages.
"You know Finnish?" He turned to look at me.
"I mean, it's my native language so yeah," I shrugged, and put my phone on my bedside table.
"Say something then," He said. "In Finnish."
"What should I say?" I turned back to him.

I thought for a moment, before speaking. "Te kaikki viis ootte ihan vitun ärsyttäviä, mut mun on pakko sanoo et sä oot aika hyvännäkönen."
"What did you say?" He asked, and put the book back with a smirk.
"That you're all a bunch of assholes and I'm never eating breakfast again." Lie.
"Fair enough," He chuckled, and walked to the door. "See you, princess."
"I told you, you can't call me that!" I frowned.
"No, you told Mattheo he can't call you that, I can," He grinned, and left the door before I could say anything back.

Okay, so what I actually said to him was "All five of you are fucking annoying, but I have to say you're pretty good looking". Luckily he doesn't speak Finnish.

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