Birds of a Feather

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"Everyone has their costumes correct?" Aizawa was asking as the class clenched their briefcases. When the affirmation was given Aizawa continued. "Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it."

Yukina turned to her brother, as Sakura jogged over to Tokoyami. The Todoroki twins hadn't been apart from each other in a while. Besides some of the training sessions that Endeavor refused to have Yukina partake in.

"Be careful Shoto." Yukina was saying a small smile appearing on his face. "Don't get frost burn." She teased, earning a nudge from her brother. But his eyes were focused after the amusement left.

"Stay safe." He requested with his rough voice. Yukina nodded, the goodbye enough as she would catch up with the other two. Sakura had guided them to their terminal, excited to get a chance to go back home for a bit.

"You know it was expected for him to ask for me, however you two are the first students Hawks has asked to intern. It's quite curious what he may be thinking!" Sakura was saying as they got onto their train to Kyushu.

"I'm honored he chose me." Tokoyami was saying, in his normal humble tone. Yukina did think it was interesting how she got the number three hero to request for her.

"To be fair I think Yukina got chosen because Hawks is a huge Endeavor fan." This made Yukina sweat drop when she heard it. However she didn't let it get to her, learning from Hawks will improve her better than anything she'd get from her father. "However Tokoyami, I did say that he may be interested in you as well, remember?"

"I didn't think you were serious." The bird man stated, earning a slight hurt look from Sakura.

"I'm always serious!" She said slightly joking. "However I suppose I should warn you both about Hawks." She stopped as she looked to the two. They were sitting in a booth spot on the train with Yukina and Tokoyami sitting side by side.

"What is it." Yukina encouraged, wanting to hear the information she was about to give. Sakura leaned on her knees as she started.

"He can be a bit much at times. Man doesn't slow down. Just stick with him, he may have some underlying teaching methods but he is pretty smart. He taught me a lot." Sakura had a genuine smile thinking of her brother Keigo.



"Great! I'm so excited for you to meet him. You'll love him, until he irritates you and then you'll hate him." Sakura stated as she clapped her hands together.

─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───

First impression, by Yukina's standards, was unimpressed. He was rubbing Feathers hair roughly as he looked on his other two interns. Sakura was groaning, trying to get free of his grip to no avail.

"This is what you get for not returning my calls." He was saying as he eyed the other two. "Hey. Names Hawks, but you already knew that. Why don't you introduce yourself to me by your hero names yeah?"

Watching Sakura still trying to get free, Yukina introduced herself first. "Temper. As in tempering steel or other metals." She didn't say more as Tokoyami introduced himself with a bow.

"Tsukuyomi. It's an honor Hawks." Hawks waved his free arm, as if dismissing the formal introduction.

"No need to be so formal. Relax a bit." He was saying. He could hear a muffle come from beneath him and glanced down at his sister. "What's that? I can't hear you with all that stru- Ow!"

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