Training Montage

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Week One

Classes went on as normal, and at the end of the day Bakugo and Sakura would meet up at the gym she reserved for the hour. Bakugo, with his explosive personality, stood impatiently as she waited for Sakura's arrival. He had made it their first, and he was pretty annoyed of waiting.

Finally, Sakura had come through the high window, interested in making an entrance today for some reason. Her ping wings resembled her brother's red as she descended from above, landing in front of Bakugo a little amusement in her eyes. However, Bakugo could see the determination today, after getting her ass kicked the day before, he looked at her with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

"You better now slow me down with this training, Birdbrain. We are here to train, not to play around." Sakura just scoffed at this comment. If she was planning on playing around she wouldn't had asked him to come in the first place.

"I'm here to get stronger, not babysit Poprock." Bakugo smirked at her, even with her mess yesterday, he was interested in the girls spirit. Bakugo just cracked his knuckles as he looked over the other blond.

"No wings today. You wanted to work on hand to hand, can't be relying on your wings if you're aiming for blows." Sakura blinked and tilted her head. Her wings were a big part of her movement, and she couldn't help but bring it up.

"My wings are a pretty big part of my fighting though." She pointed out, as Bakugo nodded in agreement.

"You need to learn to adapt, Birdbrain. Not just rely on what comes easy." Bakugo brought up a genuine good point when he had finished his statement. "Now let's try what we did yesterday again."

The two circled each other, tension in the air notable. Bakugo was the first one to make a move, throwing a quick jab at Sakura to which she easily dodged. The gym echoed with the sound of their movements as Bakugo constantly aimed blows while Sakura played defensive. She was evading his hits easily.

Bakugo's explosive temper fueled his punches, and Sakura relied on her agility and reflexes she learned from her brother. It became apparent that, without the aid of quirks their hand-to-hand combat skills were put to the test.

"Keep up your guard. Don't let me catch you off balance," Bakugo barked, landing a quick kick that she narrowly avoided. Sakura just focused, anticipating Bakugo's moves. Soon she switched to the offense, attempting to land hits herself, this time she used her speed and agility, instead of power like she did the day before. Finally landing a few calculated strikes. In one day, Sakura made decent progress.

Bakugo grumbled at this a little, yet it didn't stop him from being impressed. "Not bad Birdbrain. You actually did something to me today." He wiped his brow, the two actually starting to sweat.

"What can I say, I have a good teacher." Sakura glanced over at him, a smile on her face. Bakugo would never admit to himself that he actually enjoyed the sparing today, feeling as himself got better from training with his quick classmate.

Midnight peeked into the gym as the hour came to a close, reminding the two that the Gym would need vacancy soon. As they got ready to leave, Sakura walked up to Bakugo, who glanced at her confused. She was standing uncomfortable close, and he just furrowed his brows.

"Bakugo." Sakura said in a low tone. Bakugo wasn't sure what to say, it was the first time she actually called him by his name and with her so close Bakugo was almost lost in the gold shimmer of her eyes.

"What." He said tightly, blinking at her as Sakura just stood there, her pink feathery wings furled behind her.

"Thanks!" Sakura said with a smile. She handed him a pink feather. "Doubt you'll use it but, keep this on you yea? Let's just say it's a good luck charm, if you believe in that humbo jumbo stuff."

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