Chapter 17- A Date Saturday, August 16, 2014

Start from the beginning

Melly turned in my arms and said, "You clearly do." She kissed my lips and added, "Don't worry, I love you too."

"You better." I chuckled, before kissing her again. We swayed under the moonlight, my hand in her hair, her arms draped over my shoulder. After what feels like ten minutes, feeling the fireworks in our brain, we broke apart for fresh air. "Are you hungry? I made some dinner."

"Yes! Lets eat. I'm starving." Melly said, walking to the picnic blanket. I followed behind and we sat down criss-cross-applesauce. Melly opened the picnic basket to see two ham and cheese sandwiches. "Ham and cheese? You shouldn't have!"

"I did. For you." I said, making her blush.

"But I gotta say, eating sandwiches is not dinner." She informed me with a smile.

"What? I have through a lot to prepare these meals for us! How dare you, I say it is dinner." I said, acting offended.

"Is not." Melly retorted, not bothering to keep a straight face.

"Is to." I shot back.

"Is not." She continue.

"Says you." I said, inching my face towards hers.

"It's true." Melly shrugged. She closed the gap and kissed my lips.

I kissed back and said, "Is to."

Melly giggled as she took a bite at her sandwich.

After we ate "dinner", we danced around the campfire as we listened to some songs for my mom's boombox. Everything is perfect. Just the way I wanted to go. I kissed Melly's scalp full of hair and rested my head on hers as we slowly spin around to some Sam Smith's song.

"You know if you were to have told me where we were going, I would've changed to something much better." Melly said, breaking the silence.

"No, I like the way you're dressed now. Makes me remember the time when you were a virgin. So prudish." I commented, earning myself a smack on the arm. I laughed at her reaction. I whispered, "If you hate your clothes so much then take it off. You're with me anyway."

I laughed more as Melly's face turns read even more. She shook her head, before putting her head back on my chest.

"Speaking of taking off your clothes, mind if I take my shirt of? It's kind of hot in here." I said. I'm actually fine. I just want to show off my abs to her. This girl cannot resist my abs and I love it.

"Sure." Melly chirped. I let go of her waist to bring my shirt over my head, tossing it on the picnic blanket. I feel her hand stroking my back, feeling the red marks she left behind on Wednesday night. "Ow, geez. I'm sorry I cause that."

"Oh, I'm fine with it. It makes me know how good I make you feel." I said, leaving out how I plan to do it again tonight. "Believe me it's a good pain."

"Well, whatever you say." Melly said. "I'll take my shirt off too."

I feel my breath at the sight of her shirtless body. She looks fucking hot in a colorful bra with khaki on. It's a weird mix, but it looks good on her. I smile as I leaned into kiss her. As if it's her instinct, Melly wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She rubs herself on me, making myself grow. She pulled her head apart mine and hopped off my body. I look down seeing her swollen, dark pinkish-reddish lips from our hot make-out session we had.

"Let's get into the pool." She said.

"Okay." I said. We discarded our pants before we ran to the truck. I climbed into the truck full of water, before helping Melly get in

"Ahh," I heard Melly said as she relaxed by me. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her shoulder. She puts her head on my chest. "This is nice."

"Yeah, it really is." I said.

"This sounds horrible, but I wish I wasn't pregnant right now. I miss going into the pool with my old body." Melly commented, her eyes looking guilty at words. But I understand. No one likes to walk around with the extra weight on their body.

"No, I like you whether you're pregnant or not. You're beautiful." I said, running my hand through silky, brown hair.

"How did I get so lucky to end up with you? You're such a gentleman." Melly leaned in more to my body as she said that.

"I know I'm the best boyfriend in the world, aren't I?" I said, making her laugh.

"You truly are." She said, kissing me. I kissed back before we pulled apart. I traced her lips with my thumb as I look at her in the eyes intensely.

"Well, you're the best girlfriend in the world. I'm the luckiest man in the world." I said, "You make me happy, you know that?"

"I hope so. Because you don't want me.." Melly said.

"If I didn't want you, I would have dumped you a long time ago." I said.

"You could always change your mind." She pointed it.

"Nah, babe. I will always want you." I said, kissing your forehead. "Especially now." With that it didn't take much for us to not keep our hands off of each other. I lifted her bridal style, headed into backseat of Jack's truck. I laid her down before we got into business.


When we finished we sat in a sweaty mess trying to keep our heart rate down.

"That's the second time we fucked in a car." I said, panting.

"One in a truck, another in your Honda." Melly said.

I kissed her neck and she moaned.

"Not now, unless you want to do it again." Melly said.

"I wouldn't mind. I love having sex with you." I said. I really don't know why another round of high thrills would be a bad idea.

"I'm sure you do." She said. The truck became quiet excluding the sound of our heavy breaths filling the air. The rest is just nature sound through the night. "Cannot believe in four months, we're parents. It's crazy."

"It really is. In four months, we'd get to hold this bundle of joy in our arms." I said.

"I take back what I said. I enjoy being pregnant. It's a privilege to hold such a miracle in my body that asks for nothing, but be loved and cared for by his or her parents once he or she is born." Melly said.

"Yup. I agree." I said. "I love the baby and you, so much. I really am the luckiest man in the world for having both of you in my life."

"I'm lucky to have you too." Melly said. We kissed before continuing to lay in the car in silence.

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