Chapter 23 (Part 1 of 2)

Start from the beginning

“Dava! Don’t push me,” Adam warned, jumping out of the truck right behind her.

She snorted, ignoring him as she approached her Uncle. Her expression now uncertain. “Do you really believe any of this? I thought the twin mark was all folklore. Isn’t it just possible that we both have the same sort of birthmark that looks similar in the same place? I know it’s crazy but stranger things have happened.”

“Not like this. Look,” he said beckoning her to come closer, “It’s exactly the same. Shape, size position.”

Dava took a step and felt Adam wrap his arm around her waist. “Not too close,” he advised her, glaring in Jason's direction.

“You know what Adam, I thought I had issues. You, on the other hand, have far surpassed the realm of normalcy and are fast approaching creepy with your arrogant, possessive attitude. “

“Calm down,” Aiden said with surprising gentleness. “He’s a newly mated male and not wanting you near other un-mated males is perfectly normal. Because he is Alpha, his instincts are stronger than usual. All he wants to do is protect you.” He looked up at Adam. “And you, chill. I’m right here and I’ll be damned if I let him lay a finger on my niece.”

Adam nodded respectively but refused to let go of his mate. “Where is this supposed mark?”

“Right here,” Aiden pointed at Jason’s chest. “It’s unusual because it resembles the trinity knot. And Dava has it too, right there.”

Without thinking Dava pulled her shirt down enough to reveal her mark. The same mark that Jason had on his chest.

“Shit!” Jason cursed. “It’s not possible. I know it isn’t.” He gestured wildly towards Dava. “Don’t you think I would have known if she was my sister? A minutes ago I wanted her for my mate. Hell, I still do because I believe this is all a bunch of bull shit! Dava Morale is not my sister.”

He reached out to grab her wrists and in a move that was so fast, the naked eye couldn’t see it, Aiden knocked his hand away, wrenching his other arm behind his back. Adam pulled Dava several feet back and growled threateningly.

“Didn’t I tell you to keep your hands to yourself? Didn’t I?” Aiden asked again, pulling hard on his arm until Jason let out a grunt of pain.

Jason's face contorted with unsuppressed anger. “You're a liar,” he accused, his uneven breath’s coming rapidly. “You just want her to be with the alpha because of the status position it will bring your family. She’s mine,” Jason yelled. I saw her first. “She should be mine, damn it!”

Jason was vibrating with tension. He was on the edge of shifting and Aiden could not let that happen. Not here and not now. He did the only other thing he knew to do so they could all get back on the road and back to safer ground.

“Sorry man,” he said reaching up and pinching a pressure point in his neck. “Time for you to go night, night.”

Jason’s body slumped in his arms. He was out like a light. He threw the large male over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing more than a bag of potato chips.

“You two,” he jerked his head towards Dava and Adam, “get in the truck. You,” he glanced over at Logan who hadn’t said a word, “Lower the tailgate. You can ride in the back with lover boy. We’ve stood around here yakking our jaws long enough. It’s time to go home.”

“Yes sir,” Logan obediently replied. He jogged to the back of the truck and worked the latch to lower the tailgate.

Dava gazed at the unconscious Jason. A wave of immediate concern filled her. “Is he going to be okay?”

“He’ll be fine,” Aiden assure her. “He’s just taking a nap. Now go on,” he urged, gesturing towards the truck. “Get inside and buckle up. I meant what I said earlier, we need to get back to our territory. It isn’t safe out here in the open like this.”

Aiden walked past her heading towards the truck. An icy cold breeze brushed the back of her neck, causing her hackles to rise. It almost felt like someone was watching her.

Shivering, she rubbed her arms and noticed a rash of goose bumps peppering her skin. She looked around her for what, she didn’t know. Something, anything that would have caused this sudden disconcerting feeling.

To her dismay, nothing looked out of the ordinary.

She heard the tailgate slam closed and jumped. “Dava,” Aiden called out testily, “I said let’s go!”

Adam took Dava’s hand and gently tugged. When she looked up at him, he smiled and that small smile made her heart skip a beat. It was a beautiful smile that warmed her from the inside out chasing all the cold chills away.

Turning around, she didn’t resist. She let him lead her to the truck.

A/N ** I know this is short but it’s only the first half of the chapter... For Black Dagger Brotherhood fans, “Lover at Last” was released today and I’ve been waiting for months for it to come out. So, I’m off to read... Look for the next part of the chapter in a day or so....

As always, thank you for your continued support! You guys are absolutely wonderful!

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