Chapter 28 (Part 2)

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A very big special thanks goes to Carla_Meyer for the incredible cover she made.  

“Alpha Mine”

2013 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Edited by LadyDawn

Chapter 28 (Part 2 of 2)

“Will you move it already so I can get by?” Blake shoved the hard body in front of her but to her growing irritation; the hard body blocking her way didn’t budge an inch. She’d been trying to get into the Elder’s meeting hall for the last fifteen minutes but evidently so was every other member of the entire Lumbee pack.

This was ridiculous. She’d never seen so many people show up for a council meeting in all her life. All of a sudden everyone seemed to be fighting to get inside the small building that held the meeting hall- including her.

After all, she had a damn good reason to be present.  This was the meeting that was going to make all her little girl dreams finally come true.

Soon, she would be Luna and no one would ever be able to tell her what to do anymore.

Any other day a council meeting would be no big deal.  Only the elders and the top ranking members of the pack typically showed up to any given meeting. The average pack member didn't normally bother with the complicated politics of pack life. They were content to leave those sorts of issues up to the alpha, the beta and his commanding enforcers.

But this wasn’t an ordinary council meeting, was it?

This was the meeting the council was supposed to sanction the mating of the Alpha’s son; the very future of the Pack as a whole.

They were going to announce her mating to Adam.

She should be happy that so many members of the pack wanted to hear the pronouncement of the Lumbee’s future Alpha and Luna. It was an honor and a day of celebration. Not to mention the most important announcement of her life.

And she told herself that she would be happy just as soon as she managed to get inside the damn building.

“Excuse me,” she jammed her finger into the back of the hard wall standing in front of her.  “Would you mind moving your lard ass to the side so I can get by?”

Jason automatically tensed.  He knew that voice. He knew the voice and he despised it.  He despised it the first time he heard it two years ago when the conniving she wolf dropped several not so subtle hints that she wanted to go out with him.

Fifteen minutes in her company and he knew exactly what type of wolf she was- a wolf he wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

After listening to her drone on and on it was painfully obvious that she was nothing more than an attention whore. Blake did whatever she deemed necessary in order to gain both attention and power. She didn’t care what it cost or who was hurt in the process.

As long as Blake got what she wanted, then to hell with everyone else.

So Jason did what he did best.  He ignored her.  He didn’t pay her one ounce of attention and she hated him for it. Which was perfectly fine with Jason because his mind was already on another she wolf.  

A wolf that just so happened to be his sister.

He ignored the sharp pain that lanced his chest.  He’d mistaken the pull he felt with Dava as a mate bond. In reality, it was a twin bond. One that he didn’t understand but one he couldn’t ignore either. After learning about his past from his parents, he needed to see her. He needed to talk to her. His wolf needed to know that she was okay.  

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