Danny Delgado

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Wild force black
Zords black bison , rhino zord , armildo zord
Married alyssa enrile Delgado october 15 2003
Lila Delgado (adopted foster child)
Alyssa enrile Delgado (wife )
Cole evans
Fiona coyne evans
Liam evans
Max cooper
Emily st john-cooper
Merrick baliton
Princess shayla
Willow baliton
Eric myers
Taylor myers
Victoria myers
Lillith myers
Wes collins
Jen collins scotts
Thomas collins
Oliver collins
Katie walker
Lucas kendall
Sydney drew tate Kendall
Danny works as a nurse
Danny and Alyssa got married on the ainmurmim
Danny had help proposing to alyssa with her kindergarten class on May 2 2003
Danny 's best friend is max cooper
Danny and Alyssa are adopting thier foster child lila as realved in endgame
Danny is the second bull themed ranger mike Corbett is first
Danny and his former girlfriend kendall broke up after he and max traveled the world just before Danny and alyssa started dating
Danny and Alyssa are the only black and white ranger couple
Danny and alyssa had thier first date october 18 2002
Danny is the third in command of team black after zack taylor and adam Park
Danny and dillon are the two strongest black rangers in the fight
Danny and alyssa were the last from wild force to arrive

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