angela fairweather rawlings

4 0 0

Lightspeed rescue mentor
Zords none
Married Joel rawlings october 27 2001
Jay rawlings
Marbelle rawlings
Joel rawlings (husband )
Carter greyson
Dana mitchell greyson
Captain Mitchell
Ryan Mitchell
Karone Mitchell
Chad lee
Sophia winters lee
Wes Collins
Jen scotts collins
Thomas collins
Oliver collins
Katie walker
Eric myers
Taylor myers
Leo Corbett
Maya Corbett
Mike Corbett
Samantha nichols Corbett
Damon Henderson
Violet Corbett henderson
Billy cranston
Kendrix Morgan cranston
Morgan cranston
Angela and Joel had two weddings one that was legal and one for thier friends and family
Angela and joel were the last to arrive in endgame
Angela had a 6.0 gpa in high school as she told Billy in endgame

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