Trini kwan-scott

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Mighty morphin yellow ranger one
Zord saber tooth tiger (mighty morphin two ) Griffth thunderzord (mighty morphin two ) yellow dragon (omega 6 )
Married jason Scott since december 14 1995
Minh Scott -kwan
Jason Scott (husband )
Minh Scott kwan (daughter )
Tommy oliver
Kimberly Hart oliver
Emma goodall
Erik hart oliver
Billy cranston
Kendrix morgan-cranston
Morgan cranston
Zack taylor
Tanya sloane-taylor
Leon carter
Aisha campbell -carter
Adam Park
Kira ford-park
Rocky desantos
Katherine hillard desantos
Alpha 5
Tyler Navarro
Shelby watkins Navarro (dead)
Chase Randall
Tenaya 7
Riley Griffin
Connor McKnight
Cassidy Cornell - McKnight
Ethan james
Trent mercer
Gabrielle sanchez- mercer
Gave aisha Campbell her yellow ranger powers so she , zack taylor and then boyfriend now husband jason could attend the peace summit
Returned to angel grove in May 1995 with jason Scott
Trini and Jason married in december 1995 by alpha 5
The couple's only child daughter minh was born in november 2006
Trini is the leader for team yellow in endgame having recvived her ranger key by gia moran after the events of messagog's attack
Upon hearing of the attack in reefside trini and mighty morphin team one known as omega 6 reform
Trini is the only yellow ranger thus far to have a master morpher Tommy , Jason and Kat also have them
Trini is the second yellow ranger mentioned in endgame after kira ford dino thunder yellow
Trini is also the first legendary ranger to speak in end game after Tommy oliver
Trini has a black belt in karate and a phd in science same as Billy cranston
Trini was in Kimberly Hart 's wedding party and a guest at Billy cranston and kendrix morgan's wedding
Trini and jason were the first couple married in one shot weddings
Trini and aisha were the only two yellow rangers mentioned four times in one shot weddings from the mighty morphin and zeo era Ashley is after them with three times
Trini and Jason had a church wedding as the rest of the couples up until mystic force got married in either the team's command centers or various locations
Trini teaches at angel grove high as a math teacher

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