Mornings and Afternoons

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A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of Love and Chaos! This is my first book so please bear with me, I'm not the greatest writer but I thought I would give it a shot :). Anyway, I've kept you long enough, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

(O/C) = Outfit of choice

(Y/N) = Your Name

(L/N) = (Your) Last Name


Reader's P.O.V

It's nights like these where I want to forget. To forget the blood, to forget the pain, to forget the horror. Every time I close my eyes, the images of Racoon City fill my head; The chaos, the destruction, the bloodshed. I open my eyes and a cold sweat runs down my forehead. I try again and again, closing my eyes, but again and again I'm always reminded of the disaster that fell upon the city, the people I couldn't save. The pain is everlasting, even if I drown it out with the people around me, I always end up right back in the middle of it.

Opening my eyes, I'm met with a soft wind blowing through the open window, gently tickling my face, the rays of the sun hitting my face in a painful "I don't want to get up" way. I look around the room. It's been at least 2 years since I've moved in, yet the decor is rather minimal. I promised myself I would work on it, but so far it wasn't coming along very well. I rolled out of bed, standing up and taking a deep stretch before heading to the kitchen to brew myself some coffee, it was the only thing that kept me stable these days.

3rd Person P.O.V

Cup of coffee in your hands, you walked towards a window, giving you a gorgeous view of the city. It was early in the morning, the sun was still rising, you weren't expecting many cars on the road. You took in the view in front of you before taking a deep breath, you took a sip of coffee, pursing your lips, you weren't sure why you drank coffee, its flavour was to your distaste, but you took another sip anyway.

Just as you were finishing the cup, you jumped at the sound of a phone ringing. You've been like this since Racoon, you always seemed on edge. Walking towards the sound of your ringtone, you set the now empty cup of coffee down before answering the phone.


"Hey Y/N! It's Claire, Claire Redfield! I was wondering, do you think we could meet up and just chat, catch up with each other for a bit?"

You admired Claire, she always managed to brighten up your days, she was with you in Racoon City, she was always the strong one, who kept herself mentally and physically intact, just so you wouldn't seem alone. You and her were kind of attached to each other by the hip, neither of you could live without the other, literally. You and Claire were even, you saved her life, she saved yours. You always thought you wouldn't have made it without her.

"Sure Claire, I don't see why not. Maybe someone heard me and thought I needed to be graced by your presence." You say, laughing a bit at the end.

You heard a laugh and a response in return.

"Alright, alright. We'll meet up at __________ Café at ... 1:00 PM, we can grab lunch there."

"Okay, sounds delicious, see you soon, Claire."

"See you soon Y/N!" Claire sounded pretty excited, you would be lying if you said you weren't excited either, it has been a while since you've last seen her, you thought this would be a nice experience.

You finished getting ready, wearing (O/C). You thought about Claire, you wondered how she was doing. She sounded positive so you were glad light was shining onto her life, you wondered when that would happen to you. You weren't able to give it any more thought though, you didn't want to be late now.

You grabbed your keys and headed for the car, taking a deep breath before you started driving, to prepare yourself for the packed roads. The roads were always busy around this time, it was usually a pain, just like it was today. You were planning on taking the shorter way there but due to an accident, the road for the shorter way was closed so, unfortunately, you took the longer way, making you a couple minutes late; "I hope Claire doesn't mind" you muttered to yourself.

Finally you pulled into the Café, the time being 1:15 PM. "Dammit" you cursed under your breath. You straightened out your clothes and walked towards the entrance, taking a deep breath before entering. Once inside, the voices of many other customers blared into your ears, the music bouncing off the walls of your head. You took another deep breath and searched around for Claire, it didn't take long. There she was in her usual red jacket. Red really was her colour. You smiled at her. Upon opening your eyes, they drifted to the figure beside her. 'Why is he here?", you thought to yourself.

His hair. Just as blonde as the day you were separated.

His face. Just as beautiful as you remembered it.

His eyes. They were different. His eyes then were softer, more lively, they showed more emotion. But now? They were cold, they looked as if he had locked his past self away, becoming the man he is now; and yet you got the same feeling you did the first time your eyes met his. The feeling of staring into his eyes for so long that you would slowly sink into them, afraid you were going to drown, but struck by the emotion displayed in them. You shook your head. This man was different. This Leon was no longer the Leon you had fallen in love with.


A/N: Sorry if it's a bit under your expectation, I'm still a beginner at this and I do hope to improve! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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