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Excuse any mistakes:


Monday... the beginning of a dreadful week, full of horny teachers, failing students, irritated parents.

Where do I fit in all this you may ask? Let me introduce myself, I'm Toni, Toni Braxton; a 24 year old math teacher and administrator.

Quite a young age to become a teacher you may think and the thought is valid. Compared to how we were taught back in the day we had the old fashioned long skirt wearing, suspender snapping teacher, who at no time came to play. Today's educational system has changed drastically and not for the best I might add.

"PDA!! 3 days suspension! I suggest you all lip lock out of school." I said as I walked the halls during my planning period.

A lot of the older teachers would say that I'm too nice, that I let the kids run over me; and I would agree. Though I've never been a forceful person, I may have authority to do more than what I do to the kids, but I try to help them more than punish them.

"Hi Ms. Braxton."

"Hello Sophia, got a pass?"

"Don't I always?" She let me see her pass as she looked me up and down.

"You look good today, got a date after school?"

"Your tactics aren't working with me Sophia."

"Oh loosen up Braxton, where just 5 years apart."

"5 years to many. Hurry up and head back to class."

"Yes ma'am."

Yes some of the kids try to flirt with me. I stood 6'4, a weight lifted with a good build, dreads were long, and I had a small amount of tattoos, nothing too much.

I wasn't everyone's fan favorite, I got looked down upon for more reasons than just my appearance.

I was what people call special. It's not that you were able to tell, but for the ones who knew me knew.

I have autism. I tend to stim, stutter, and have some slow moments; but many have considered me on the right side of the spectrum and for that I'm grateful and blessed.

"Hey, you got a pass?"

"A pass?"

"Yea a pass?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a new teacher here."

"No my apologies, you look so young."

"Thank you, and you yourself? You're an athlete?"

"No ma'am, I'm the math teacher on this side of the hall."

"I'm the English honors teacher from the other side of the school."

"Nice to cross paths then, I'm Toni, the kids call me Ms. Braxton or Ms. B."

"It very much is nice to cross paths, I'm Ms. Jackson, Janet's the first name."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Jackson. Can I help you with anything?"

"Yea the copy machine's down on my side of town, I was wondering if I could use the one over here?"

"Sure, lemme unlock the door for you."

"Your administration too?"


"Hmm, you can handle the two?"

"Handle them well."

I unlocked the door for her allowing her to walk in. "So Ms. Braxton—."


"Right, Toni. How long you been teaching?"

"About 2 years now and you?"

"3, and for each year the kids get bolder."

"Who you telling."

Just then my walkie talkie went off

"Ms. Braxton what's your location? Over."

"Copy room, D hall. Over."

"Can you report to Ms. Jackson room on A hall, over."

"On my way." She put her papers down coming with me. Once reaching the classroom a fight broke out well into the hallway.

"Aye Aye!" I got in between it trying to break the girls up but just as soon as I turned my back another group started and this time Ms. Jackson was involved.

"Yo!" I got in and immediately some kids jumped us, in a matter of seconds I blacked out.

"Ms. Braxton! Ms. Braxton!" Coming back to myself I realized I was being pulled off of two girls, by other students. Looking over at Janet she was hit and badly too.

Her face was now bruised, her eye began to swell, and her lip was busted.

Rage filled my body just as quick as pain hit hers.

"Everybody to the office, right now!" I noticed the two girls who started attacking her.

"Get her to the nurses office Quintay, now."

"Uh uh, you two right here!" I snatched the both of them up with my bear hands.

Soon a couple of teachers came and pulled me off the girls.


"I'm good! I'm good! Get off me." I dusted myself off going to the nurses office seeing Janet.

"Come on let's get you to the hospital mamas."

Like I said.... Monday's

Don't shoot me, but welcome to protect(her) revised.⭐️

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