Untitled Part 12

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A few years later about three years later.

Someone at the place that Daisuke was working made a comment about young parents.

"I was a young parent. "Said Daisuke.

This person tried to talk about something else but Daisuke was still mad at about it.

Meanwhile Jolyn was at work.

His kids are in school now, they are in third grade now.


Daisuke ended up having to go home earlier because he felt sick.

Well he took a test and texted Jolyn what the test said followed a by "I might be pregnant again."

Turns out he was.

Jolyn was happy because they weren't struggling college student this time.

They had good jobs.

They might need to move but right now they just want to relax right.

Time jump.

Daisuke and Jolyn had twins.

They were visiting some of Daisuke's family.

Some of his family members asked Kiki when she was having kids.

"When me and Dallas decide to adopt one. "Said Kiki.

"But wouldn't you like to have a kid who look like you, I bet Dallas does."

Dallas is Kiki's boyfriend/partner.

"No I don't "Said Kiki.

"I'm good ."Said Dallas.

Kiki has had abortions before, she had two because she's never getting pregnant, she would rather adopt a child then give birth to one. 

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