We never knew what their relationship was, although it was hardly our business....

At the end of the day, it didn't matter to us whether they were enemies, married, exes or just friends...

The pair's working dynamic did take us both a while to adjust to, but after just under a month, we had gotten the hang of what he were there to do.

It was around that same time that we began warming up to the older two, the Captain's intimidation began to wear off, and a trust began to form.

The captain had always been very cold and closed off to anyone who spoke to him, including Mingi and I, especially at the beginning.....

It took quite a while for us to get him to even smile, but eventually, we got there. Now he is one of the people that we know we can always go to, for whatever reason we need him. He is there and will always be there for us. We trust him without lives, and he trusts us....

The oldest remained almost the same from the first day we met him. There was a nervousness to him when we first saw him. I don't think he completely trusted us at first, but it took only a week for him to trust us. In many ways, he was the complete opposite of the captain....

There was still something that was off with him, but he did his best to be there for us when he could. Even the little things he would do meant the world to us both, whether that was making the captain apologise for being too hard on us or sitting with one of us on the deck at night with a lantern and blanket so we wouldn't be alone in the dark....

I remember him saying something to himself as he sat closest to the light..

I never heard the whole thing, but it was something about the dark being 'cruel and tormenting'.....

I always found the darkness to be relaxing and peaceful....

It wasn't harsh to look at, and the stars in the sky always brought back memories of the two of us sitting out at night stargazing....

I found it odd that someone could have the opposite opinion on it....

Was he afraid of the darkness?...

Either way, him joining us on the deck became something regular....

It was nice.....

The two of us wish that we had found them sooner, that we could have been with them earlier. We would have been much happier and safer with them.

There was only so much Changmin and his wife could do for the two of us. We had burdened them for long enough...

They had raised us since we were six until the age of sixteen, even though we were just two random boys that hid behind their house one day after almost getting caught stealing bread. They raised us as if we were their own until the day we left.

That was when they told us about the Captain who needed help...

We promised them as we left that we would become the best pirates. Since then, we have made it our own little mission to hold onto that promise as a thank you to them...

I still remember the day we met wooyoung in Deobi. The Captain seemed to instantly revert back to being on guard again as the boy came up to us.

We all knew he needed help. There were bruises all over him as if he'd just been in a fight and lost horribly...

Once he started to tell us why he needed our help, I knew we needed to bring him with us... I thought that Mingi and I had it rough back in cassiopeia, but at least we were able to have a sense of freedom on the streets....

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