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Warnings for this chapter are pretty similar to the last chapter. Injuries, blood, dying.

It's brief, but it's marked with a ⚠️ as usual.


×Hongjoong's Pov×

What is he doing.....

I squinted open my eyes as I silently watched the taller figure slip on a pair of shoes, along with my coat before picking up the lantern from the wall and quietly sneaking out of the room.

I didn't think much of it at first, but then I thought for a moment as I looked out of the window. It was the middle of the night, where would he be going...

It's still dark... Where's he off to? Did he hear something? See something?"

Almost immediately, I sat up and tiredly climbed out of bed to follow him. I could see the light moving under the door from the lantern on the other side.

I wasn't sure where he was going or what he was up to, but I decided to follow him just to see.

I mean, it's 2 in the morning.... who's awake at 2am....

I watched the light disappear from under the door as I opened it quietly before stepping outside. I could see the light down the small wooden staircase below deck as I waited for a few seconds before following.

why is he coming down here.....

As I expected, he disappeared into the other boy's room at the end of the hallway and closed the door behind him.

The hallway was now completely dark as I carefully made my way over to the door to see what was going on, I could see the light from under the door as I quietly pushed it open a little.

I could hear a couple of voices inside as I listened closely to see who's it was, and what they were discussing...

"So..... Before I tell you all..... you must not speak a word of this to him.... do you understand?"

Is he going to tell them...?

"I will warn you all..... it is not pleasant what I am going to tell you...."

"We understand..... if you need to stop.... we understand...."

"Thank you, wooyoung"

"So.... what is it you want to tell us?"

"Well, to be nice i will go a little further back.... I will tell you how the two of us met which is a more pleasant start to the story..... but don't worry, its all relevant...."

"We don't mind, we actually wanted to know how you two met for a while"

".... It all started in Aurora, where I lived with my parents, sister, brother in law and niece.... I was around twenty two years old."

I stood there in silence as I listened to what he was saying, I knew immediately what he was telling them about...

I can remember it all, from when I first met him to the present day. It was all there. All the times I had seen him around Aurora and in Halazia, before speaking to him that day and everything either of us said.

I refused to forget any of it.

There are things that I will never forget. Like the first time I ever saw him, standing alone on the beach at night, drawing shapes in the sand with a stick.

I remember standing watching him for a while as I was curious why he was out late alone, even when I should have been going back to the ship I stayed.

There was something oddly fascinating watching him there. It seemed like he was just oblivious to everything around him as he continued to draw a small flower in the sand.

My Treasure ▪︎ Seongjoong Where stories live. Discover now