Darius was visibly uncomfortable. He glanced away to Bree and Viridis, brow furrowed. Lucius willed his words to get through to the thick-headed toff.
"Alright." He said. "I'll keep that in mind."
Lucius still withheld his hand, "Promise me you'll look after them?"
"I promise."
"You ain't gonna give them to Ellie or dad?"
"What? Why would I do that?"
Because people turn nasty around them, he thought, but didn't say it. Darius didn't have that edge to him. He was self-centred for definite, but he wasn't horrible.
Lucius turned his attention to Brianna and Viridis for the last time. Vids was watching the world through his half-slit eyes, drowsy on pain. Brianna rotated her scowl between Darius and him. He couldn't help but search for excuses not to give them away. He couldn't trust anyone with these little guys, it seemed like he was the only one in the world who could truly keep them safe.

That's some bullshit and you know it, you got a temper just as bad as Mike's. Brianna's rueful glare cut straight to his heart. Twice now he had lost his temper and almost hurt someone. First Lyn. Now her. Who next?

"We should go. It's going to be a long journey."
"Where are you gonna put them?" He cradled them away from Darius' outstretched hand.
He obviously hadn't considered that. "Well... in my pocket, I suppose."
"Like hell you are!" Brianna shrilled. Lucius could hear a quiver in her voice.
He coiled his fingers tighter, "Yeah, not happening. You'll have to carry them to the car."
His brother pulled a face, "Carry them?"
"Oh— pardon us," Brianna hoisted herself over the wall of Lucius' fingers and sneered, "We aren't too heavy, are we?"
Darius reddened. "There's no need to be rude." He got huffily to his feet, brushed down his jumper, "Say goodbye. I want to go."
Brianna flopped back onto her knees and muttered to herself. Whatever she said probably wasn't very polite.

And then it was time.

Their eyes linked. Her delicate, watery blue beneath his darker gaze. Neither knew what to say. The air was thick enough to cut through. Whether her and Viridis ever saw home again would be Darius' decision. Whatever happened to Lucius would be determined by his parents. But they tried not to think of their parting like that, because it made the future look pretty bleak.

Saying goodbye was hard, but apologising wasn't.
"I'm sorry-" Lucius started.
"Thank you." Brianna cut over him. She pressed her little hand to his before he could so much as blink. "For everything."
His mouth was dry. His heart was hammering. Lucius had braced himself for everything from shouting to a downright refusal to talk to him, but not this.
"That's okay." He said faintly. He couldn't stand the warmth in her eyes— He didn't deserve it, he hadn't even apologised. "Brianna, I get mean when I lose my temper, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
She looked like she might laugh. "You don't have to apologise."
He didn't know what to say. She was forgiving him that easily?

Bree signalled for him to lift his hands higher. He did, until she was at his eye level and close enough to feel the flutter of her breathing. She came forwards and pressed her little hands to the bridge of his nose. It tickled. Lucius did his best to breathe very softly, but he still ruffled her hair when he exhaled.
Brianna rested her forehead on his and shut her eyes, "My boyfriend is a scout and I have to put up with Aspen Fenland every week at council. I'm used to boys and their bad tempers. We all get snappy sometimes."
He laughed a soft, disbelieving laugh, and she shut her eyes at the vibrations. Her smile gave her a dimple. "You've got nothing to be sorry for. Dope."
Viridis murmured a sound of agreement.
In that moment, Lucius could have cried if he allowed himself to.

"Thank you, Lucy. For looking after us. For sending us home." The clear blue of her eyes turned solemn, "I don't mean to leave you here, but..."
That was his cue to lower them, "No, don't be stupid. They need you at the tribe."
"Can't leave Fenland in charge." She agreed, then pulled a face at the thought. "But what about you?"
"I ain't your responsibility." He glanced at the oversized bedroom around her and smiled lopsidedly, "And this ain't your home."
She bit her lip. "It doesn't feel like it's yours either."
Lucius' smile flickered, but he was too caught off-guard to control it. For a moment he couldn't speak. "I'll be fine. Hey, Vids?" She was trying to say something, but he purposely spoke over her, "Can you tell Lyn and the others I'm okay? They're gonna be worrying."
Viridis sleepily opened his eyes and mumbled something. He hadn't been right since losing all that blood, so nobody blamed him for being constantly half-asleep. But realising that this really was goodbye, maybe indefinitely, he did his best to rouse himself. Bree helped him to sit up.

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