Welcome Old Memories

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"Hey, bud?"

MK looked up from where he'd been stacking up golden trinkets, humming in question. Wukong patted the boy, smiling sweetly, "None of this is your fault." The brunette looked away, "But--"

"Nope." The king cut him off, "Still technically on me. Think about it, DBK had beef with me. Spider Queen was pissed with me. Red Son literally burned your apartment for the key. My master didn't let me kill LBD. See? None of it is on you!"

The young hero gave a small smile, "...Okay." Wukong hugged him, cackling as he ruffled the brunette's hair, "Good! I wouldn't lie to you, kid. You know that, right?"

MK nodded, pushing the other away, "Yep! Now stop ruining my hair!"


This was just fabulous.

MK stared at the Lion before him, Mei by his side. This was another world-wide threat, ink from a scroll had taken Wukong and the others. Unfortunately, Macaque wasn't here, too busy visiting the Bull King family.

"I can help you navigate the scroll, and then it will be up to you to find your friends." Azure smiled, holding his paw out for the artifact MK had in his own hands. Mei glanced at her best friend, "What do you think?"



They appeared in a forest, clothes replaced by older models.

MK felt a pull, something familiar. He gasped, standing up quickly. Mei stumbled to her feet, eyes wide, "What? What is it?" The brunette waved his hands, "I can feel Wukong! C'mon!" He pulled her along, trampling over foliage.

Familiar voices were heard nearby, making them go even faster.


Wukong turned, eyes narrowing as two figures stumbled into view. His master stood up from where he'd been sitting, "Who are they?" Baiji huffed, looking away in disinterest. Wujing and Ao Lie grinned, trying to be welcoming to the kids.

But to the king, they were familiar--

"Wukong! We found you!" The brunette, MK, was beaming at him. His brain halted, whispering a quick 'You are not of this time'. The monkey found himself grinning back, "Ohh, this is the Memory Scroll!" He ignored his companion's questioning stares, walking up to the pair with a hushed voice.

"They think they're their past lives. I snapped out of it easily, but it won't be so simple for the others." He then leaned back, "But for now, I'll let them know we're friends."


The story that played out was unnerving.

The Lady Bone Demon appeared, disguised as a lovely woman. And Wukong, panicked and angry, crushed her false body. MK himself felt his own hands twitch to follow through with the same action. Maybe he would have, too, if Mei hadn't held his arm securely.

"Pilgrim! We do not kill!" The monk moved his hands, and a familiar sense of fear stabbed through the sage. The monkey dropped to his knees, hands grabbing onto the monk's robes, "She was a demon! Please, Master, you'll regret--" Baiji scoffed, "Trickery of yours! She was innocent!"

Mei shot the demon a glare, but looked back at the king, a feeling of dread creeping up her throat. Wukong shook his head, "No, Master! Please, I swear she was a dangerous demon, don't-!"

The first word that left Sanzang's lips made the king scream out another plea.

Wukong knew Sanzang didn't know better back then. And he'd learned that it had been wrong, no matter how problematic his behavior was. But Tang knew better, and he would be distraught if he managed to recite the suntra. The king let out one last shrill plea.

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