"Rumors are that she'll be there... wearing all black as well"

"What!?" Sorano was not at all happy about this. Especially when Natsu was hers first, their fathers had even promised that they would wed when they were both of age. So why in the world is Natsu strolling around acting as if this Lucy girl is his bride?!
She's supposed to be his fiancée, someone with wealth and power like him. Why would he stoop so low as to bring this lowborn into his family traditions?

"This won't do" she spoke slow and steady, it was clear she was plotting something. "I wonder if Natsu's father is okay with what he's doing..."

"Well you know Natsu has always been Mr. Igneel's golden child. I'm sure he could do no wrong in his eyes." Said another in the group the girls.

This was true, Natsu's father had always favored him over his other sons. Igneel had three children. His first 2 sons were Zeref and Natsu, they came from Igneel's first and only wife Vieva Dragneel. Igneels last son was Ignia born to a nameless whore. Igneel didn't spare that one much attention.
And while Zeref had once been heartless like his younger brothers he now kept to himself in the countryside with his wife. That left just Natsu and Ignia, two siblings who constantly butt heads, It didn't help at all that they were the same age.
With that being said Ignia would surely take part in anything that could negatively affect Natsu. He was away at boarding school overseas but he was sure to show up for the banquet. Sorano stayed silent deep in thought. She giggled softly as she schemed. Her friends simply looked at her in a haze.

"Lucy probably thinks she has the whole world in her hands right now. Hmpf I suppose she needs a little reality check."


Lucy wakes up to the sun beaming on her face Saturday morning, she's always loved sunshine but right now it can kick rocks. She was sure she looked a mess right now, especially after her heated night with Natsu. He took her up to his penthouse after getting fitted for her gown. She stared at the pretty gown hanging up on the door. It was a black silk dress like Natsu requested but it was tailored to such perfection that it clung to every curve of her body flawlessly. Mrs. Spetto was truly an expert at her craft.
She smiled while thinking of how beautiful it looked and it helped to ease her fear about meeting Natsu's family today.
Natsu was still deep in slumber one heavy arm draped over her torso, the sun was beaming in his face too but he still slept peacefully. He certainly loved sleep, especially with Lucy wrapped in his arms. She silently slipped from his grasp with the intent to make coffee, that was until two strong arms locked around her pulling her right back to bed.

"Up so early" he spoke groggily. His morning voice sent butterflies to her stomach.

"Well, the banquet is tonight! We have no time to waste!"

He laughed at her enthusiastic response. "It's not until 8 you know, we have plenty of time to get ready."

She calmed down at this fact after all it was only 8 am, she had an entire 12 hours to prepare. Erza was coming over to do Lucy's hair and makeup for the banquet later. Natsu claimed she was good at that sort of thing, and Lucy never minded spending time with Erza, she looked up to her in considerable ways.
"Ok I'll make breakfast then," she said gleaming a pretty smile at him.

Natsu softly smiled in return. 'She'll make this stupid banquet tolerable'


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