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The two of them walk down the halls. No conversation is made. The small conversations can be heard in the background. The puttering of shoes hitting the floor echoe of the walls. Eventually, Hawks realizes what he did.

He stood up to the hero commision.

An overwhelming sense of pride and terror wash over him. Because,

He stood up to the hero commision.

What was he to do if he got in trouble? Would Izuku get punished to? What if he did? It would be his fault. If the boy got hurt by the hero commission for coming with him, he'd be the one to blame.

Hawks's thoughts cycled through his head, thinking of the worst-case scenario and coming up with a plan.

Making it out of the building, the boy still hadn't said a word. That wasn't a shocker. Hawks had seen first-hand how he was treated for speaking. Being slapped or hit was probably a common occurrence for the poor boy.

"You know, Izuku, I'm not gonna reprimand you in any way for simply speaking." The boy nodded, still not daring to say a word. It was like second nature to Caedes. Don't speak, don't make any noise, just listen and follow. That's how you survived. Hawks knew this, too.

It is something that'd he'd have to work on with him. Getting him to speak and be less tense wasn't going to be easy. It took him a while to get to how he was now. And when he was in the commission, he could remember a lot.

"Come on, kid. The car's over there." He simply followed him. Hawks got into the driver's seat and waited for the kid to get in. As much as he liked to fly, he knew he'd most likely be coming back with Izuku, and he wasn't sure how he responded to heights.

Izuku sat in the passenger seat and buckled up. His hand was resting on his pockets. Hawks noticed pretty quickly. There was probably a weapon in there, just in case.

"You know, Izuku, you're not actually my bodyguard. It was an excuse to get you out." The boys head snapped in his direction, eyes wide. He quickly got his expression under control, and Hawks chuckled.

"You don't have to hide your emotions, and you can talk freely." He smiled at the boy. He still didn't speak. They'd have to work on it some more.

The ride home was silent.

"I still have your clothes from yesterday. We'll have to go shopping tomorrow." Izuku froze.

"There's no reason for that, s- Takami." The hero huffed.

"Yeah, there is. You'll be livin' here from now on, and you don't have anything." The boy just nodded, going silent again. His shoulders were more tense than usual, and that was saying something. "Everything ok, kid?" He asked concerned.

"Yes." The lie was hard to catch. If his ears hadn't moved back, he'd probably miss it. So he has a tell? That'll make this easier.

"No need to lie, Izuku. You don't have to be ok here. The commission is screwed up." His eyes averted to the side, and he swallowed. The only emotion he's seen on the kid was shock and anxiousness.

"I'm... I'm not a big fan of crouds." His voice got quiter as he spoke. At least there was something other than monotone. It was upsetting, but it wasn't monotone.

Of course, the kid would be nervous if big crowds. He's probably never been around lots of people at once.

"That's ok, kid. We can leave when every. No big deal." He rubbed his head. The boy flinched away, making Hawks wince. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you, Izuku."

"O-ok." He barely whispered. He seemed to be trying to listen.

"Come on, feathers, let's watch a movie!" The bird man shouted. Izuku did as told and sat down.

A few hours went by, and by then, they had watched four different movies. Some Marvel, Disney. Pixar to.

The hero had watched Izuku almost the whole time. He hadn't loosened up very much, but he seemed tired. Like 'on the verge of passing out' kind of tired. Hawks could tell he was trying to keep his eyes open so as not to fall asleep.

"You can go to sleep, you know? It's no longer mandatory to force yourself to stay awake." Izuku looked at him slowly.

"It didn't work out very well last time." He said softly. "And I did sleep yesterday. No need today." Truthfully, he really wanted to sleep. He'd been put through awful training the whole day because of the hospital thing. He's just glad they hadn't touched his face. He had a feeling Takami wouldn't be pleased if he had the same bruises and cuts on his face as the ones all over his abdomen.

"You look half dead. It's ok to sleep multiple days in a row. It's actually completely normal." Sure, Hawks had been put through training with the hero commision, but he was allowed to sleep every day. "I can give you some melatonin. It'll knock you out."

"That doesn't sound like a good idea." He says. Izuku looked like he was trying not to yawn.

"That's ok." Keigo rubbed his head. He leaned into the touch subconsciously. He was eventually completely leaning on Takami.

He didn't realize when he fell asleep, but Keigo did. 100%.

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