Chapter 15

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Liam changes into a pair of boxer briefs and a white T-shirt, trying his best to seduce me without actually making any strong moves just yet. Probably because I changed into the least suggestive outfit I could find a pair of yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt Ryan gave me a few years back that reads: Sun's Out, Bun's Out with a graphic of a hotdog inside a bun, a little bit of mustard squiggled on top. It's not exactly sexy bedtime attire.

But whatever was causing Liam's snarky and competitive behaviour earlier seems to have righted itself; he's happier and less irritable, our conversation is light and bubbly, and neither Ryan nor his win at the basketball toss is mentioned again. We casually flip through Netflix, cuddle up and chat while searching for the perfect movie. We eventually agree on a comedy from the 90s, and Liam clicks it on. He snuggles me close to his side, pulling the comforter over us on a twin mattress.

I appear calm and relaxed on the outside, but inside I am a mess. I am trying my best to pay attention to the movie. I am also trying to feel something when Liam presses a kiss to my temple. But all I can focus on is music blaring from downstairs, the hot tub running outside, female giggles, and bottles being cracked open. Everything happening downstairs is somehow intensified. I've developed a superhero power to pick up sounds outside a normal frequency range.

And when Liam laughs at a funny scene in the movie, the opposite effect happens. His laughter sounds like it's somewhere off in the distance, not directly in my ear.

My attention was torn even more when I heard Kale cheering on the girls to "grind against each other" to an old-school rap song. My mind flips through possible scenarios leading up to this outrageous girl-on-girl action/dance party happening below me. My heart pounds and my jaw ticks thinking about Ryan sandwiched between the two of them, bumping and grinding.

Halfway through the movie, Liam runs a fingertip down my arm and leans over to kiss me. I kiss him back for a few breaths before pulling away.

I make up an excuse that I need to go to the bathroom. I hurry out of bed and down the hallway, forcing myself not to peek as I pass by the open railing overlooking the living room.

I lean against the bathroom sink, palms down and take a deep breath. I tell myself I can do this. I can fool around with Liam and not let what is happening downstairs affect me. Because that would mean Ryan is affecting me. I splash cold water on my face, toss my hair into a messy bun, and sneak back under the covers with Liam.

He picks up where we left off, leans over and kisses me again, this time with a little more tongue. His hands slide along my hips, my butt, my legs, but I can't get into it. When his hands slide under the hem of my shirt, his palm against my bare skin, I panic. Something feels off.

A loud thud followed by laughter coming from downstairs causes us both to pull away from each other. Liam cocks a brow, "What the hell was that?"

"Holy shit. Are you okay, Tiffany?" I can hear Kale's voice shout-laugh.

"That's why dancing on a table is dangerous," Sophia laughs.

Nausea hits my stomach, swirling uncontrollably. I can only think of Ryan having the time of his life downstairs with Tiffany while I'm up here in full-panic mode.

"Ryan, help her up," Kale says.

I can hear footsteps and then Tiffany laughing. "I'm all good! Ryan, get me another drink."

I swallow hard. Unable to look at Liam. "I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling it tonight. It's a little hard when there's a party going on downstairs," I tell him, trying to keep my voice steady. I slide over to my side of the bed, putting a little space between us. "Can we just watch the movie instead?"

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