Chapter 7

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I'm studying in the library on a Sunday. Why am I sitting in this dark and dingy library when I should be enjoying a beautiful fall day?

Because I am studying for an Animation Theory and Techniques mid-term, and even the slightest distraction, including Maisie blending another one of her protein smoothies in the kitchen, could deter me. I get through two more chapters and make five additional pages of notes when I look up to see Ryan walk into the building.

He stalks over, examines me in my yoga pants, an oversized t-shirt, my textbooks, and the extra large coffee on the table, and doesn't even say anything. He sits down in the seat across from me, rests his elbows on the table, and smiles.

I make a couple of observations in the next thirty seconds. First, he looks too put together for someone who just finished Lacrosse practice. His hair is perfectly styled and swept to the side, his face is clean-shaven, and the dimple on his chin is extra noticeable. He's wearing a white button-down shirt, a patterned blue tie with flecks of red, and a pair of very form-fitting navy trousers. Even his brown Oxford shoes are polished.

Second, I can't let him talk me into doing anything that doesn't involve acing this mid-term. The reality of my situation is I need to get the best marks possible to help secure my dream internship at Disney Animation Studios. Ryan doesn't understand the necessity of achieving stellar marks. Sure, he wants to get into law school, but regardless of his academic accomplishments, his father has enough money and power to pull strings. My reality is very different. My mother lives from paycheck to paycheck. And even though my father helps me financially, he pours all his hard-earned money into his middle-class life with his fiancé and her daughters.

Third, and maybe most importantly, I am supposed to meet Liam for dinner tonight and can't bail on him again. I need to get as much studying done today to be free tonight. We've been trying to reconnect for a second date – minus hanging out in a group setting – to continue to get to know each other better.

"What are you doing here?" I put down my pencil and fight a smile. "Or, more importantly, why are you dressed like this? I thought you had Lacrosse practice."

"I didn't go."

"And you decided to visit me instead? How sweet." I say playfully to him.

"Your brain needs a break," he says, closing my textbook. "You are over-studying for this mid-term."

"Because I need a kick-ass mark."

"And you will get one," he says.

I narrow my eyes at him. "You don't know that."

He tilts his head, studying me. "You haven't stopped cramming all weekend. You are smart as hell and annoyingly keen. You will be fine," he flashes me one of his most charming grins. "How about you close those textbooks, return to your apartment, and wear something dressier than yoga pants? I'll pick you up in front of your building in thirty minutes."

It was as if he thought I could be so easily persuaded without giving me a reason why I'd agree to do such a thing.

"How kind of you, but I'll take a rain check." I re-opened my textbook before taking a sip of my coffee. I give him my best 'get lost' look. "I can't Sunday Funday with you this weekend, Ryan. Sorry."

"What if I told you I needed a serious favour?" He reaches for my cup and snakes it right out of my hand, taking a long pull on my coffee. Of course, most humans would slap his hand away before he put his lips to their drink, but I've grown comfortable sharing my things with Ryan. Drinks, food, and sometimes even toothpaste or deodorant are included. I watch him swallow, his eyes twinkling in my direction, goading me. He has some lovely dark eyes.

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