Is that a Yes? - Tammy

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Okay so I recently watched Oceans 8 and just felt the need to write a short story about it lol. also sorry if the writing is shit

Prompt: Y/N is 17 and knows about her mom Tammy's, "Old Life". She finds her mom trying to slip away to the city, revealing that she's working with Debbie Ocean.
(This is the big heist from the movie)


I was in the kitchen doing my homework while eating some apple slices, my mom had cut for me.

"Hi honey," My mom walked in the kitchen and kissed my head, "So I wanted to talk to you about something." She sat down beside me placing her mug and phone on the counter.

I sat my pencil down and looked at my mom, "So I need you to watch your brother and sister for a few days, I will pay for that concert you want to go to and 300 dollars on top of that. It would be starting tomorrow, just for a week. Your Father doesn't get back from his business trip until a few days after I get back. I just have some business to attend to. Is that okay with you? If you aren't comfortable with this, I can ask the neighbor Emily to watch them." She sighed after giving her big speech.

"Soooo... you have a job now?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows.
My mom just softly laughed out, "You and your questions little lady."
"Well??" I waited for her to respond.
She sighed and grew inpatient, "Y/N, Mommy has to tend some business with some friends. They need my help with some... things."

I laughed and rubbed my temples, "You said you retired from this shit."

"Excuse me? First off, I don't like you using that vulgar language. Secondly, what are you insinuating?"

"Isn't obvious? YOU'RE A FENCE. who are you working with? Are you going to the city?"

"Sweet girl! Please! Lower your voice. Before you ask, no. You aren't going. Just know that i'm doing this for you. For your siblings. This will change our lives." She shifted her body to face mine and grabbed my hands in hers.
"Do you trust me, Y/N?"

I gave her a death stare, "Change our lives?"

She smiled and kissed my hands, "Yes, Honey. We are going to live VERY very comfortable lives. Maybe Mommy could get you a new car... pay for the college of your choice... anything you want. Makeup, clothes, jewelry, but you need to let me go. Does this make sense?"

I took a deep breath and before I could say anything, my mom's phone rang. We both just looked at each other as her ringtone was going off.
I whispered, "are you going to get that?"
She smiled, "It can wait. Back to what you were saying?"

The phone rang again. "Mom, I don't think it can wait. Who's calling you anyways?" I grabbed her phone and read the name. It said Debbie Ocean.

"DEBBIES OUT??? No freaking way!!" I laughed and took my mom's phone running out of my seat.

My mom got up trying to take the phone from my hands, "Young lady! Phone! Now! Don't you dare answer that call."

I answered the call...

"HI DEBBIE! I had no idea you got out."
Debbie laughed, "Hello, Y/N. I've missed your voice. Is your mom around by any chance?"

I looked at my mom. She was crossing her arms mouthing me to hand the phone over, "Yeah my mom isn't around... What are you guys stealing?"


"I'll give you your phone back..." I started to hand her the phone but snatched it again, "IF you let me go with you."

She shook her head, "Baby the answer is no. Now give me the phone or you'll be facing serious consequences."

I laughed and put the phone on speaker, "Debbie do you hear that? I might be facing trouble... that's funny. Seems like you guys could face some trouble too. Debbie is there enough room for the both of you back in prison? Seriously guys... I am resourceful. I am young, innocent, convincing. Let's not forget who got you out of that heist situation in '09. I'm also small, I can fit in places you guys can't. PLUSSSSSS i've been dying to go to new york city. Mom pleaseeeeeeeeeee. Debbie even agrees, isn't that right?"

I heard Debbie laugh, "Tammy, you've got some trouble in your hands- But Lou has a spare bedroom... enough for the two of you..."

My Mom threw her hands in the air, "Debbie whose side are you on?"

"I'm just saying..." Debbie defended.

My mom looked pissed and rolled her eyes looking at me.

"is that a yes?" I mentally crossed my fingers.

"Go. Pack your bags. Y/N look at me though. The moment we face ANY trouble, you need to leave the scene. Do you understand?"

I started screaming, "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU MOMMY!!!" I jumped around and hugged her, "Mom have I told you just how beautiful and talented and gracious you are? Just so amazing?" I tried flattering her.

"HA. HA. Now give me my phone." I handed her the cellphone. She pointed upstairs, "Pack, now. It's going to be cold, bring a jacket. I'm going to call Emily, get babysitting situated."

I squealed, "NEW YORK CITYYYYYYYYYYY AHHHHHHH" I ran up the stairs but I could hear Debbie on the phone.

"She gets her ambition from you, TamTam. She's cute." I heard my mom laugh. I am so excited.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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