Just me, Sweetheart. - Cordelia Goode

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TW: Abuse, Arguing, Anxiety

Backstory: You've been in a toxic relationship, and things start to get out of hand.
One day you get into a giant argument and your teacher, Cordelia Goode, at the academy comforts you.

Luna, my girlfriend was straddling me in my bed kissing my jaw.
"Luna." she didn't respond. "Luna please.." I tried pushing her off me. "I'm not in the mood. Please."
She rolled off my body, laying beside me on the bed. I watched her as she collected and calmed her breathing.
She got out of bed putting her coat on, "Let me guess Y/N. You're sorry? yeah i'm sure you are. You're always sorry." She was putting her shoes on, attempting to leave. Typical.
I gave a blank stare processing what she said and nodded my head. "I know, you're right."
I looked down, "I just feel like we don't spend time with each other anymore. Other than sex. I am tired of sex. I don't want this. I want you" I felt small admitting my feelings, scared of how she's going to react.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Then what do you want? Huh? If you're not happy, you make everyone else miserable. I'm tired of this bullshit. So tell me what it is that you want. Dinner? Movie? Clearly you don't want sex, you made that apparent." I could tell the annoyance in her tone. She wasn't sincere about anything.

I wiped tears that formed from my face and shook my head. I crawled out of bed and walked over to her kissing her. "I'm sorry.." my lips traveled to her neck, "Let me make it up to you. please."
She guided me to my bed taking her coat off and hungrily kissed me grabbing my chin. I winced at the pain of her nails digging into my skin.
"You're so hot baby"
I closed my eyes wanting this to be over. It's the only way I knew to make her happy at this point.

She travelled down to my thighs and pulled my pants down. Her hand snaked around my thigh, but I removed it trying to distract her by kissing her. She attempted again, so I just sat up.
She laughed, "Okay what the fuck, Y/N. Can you not make up your god damn mind? I am done. Im done, I am serious."
She got out of bed grabbing her things. "No. no..no. Please don't leave. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying hard enough." I ran up to her grabbing her hand, attempting to stop her from leaving.

"WE ARE DONE. Do I need to spell it out for you? DONE. We are no more. Got it?"
I started uncontrollably crying. I knew how she treated me was wrong, but I couldn't stand the idea of being alone. The idea of having to deal with myself.
"Please lower your voice. People can hear you."
I grew embarrassed. I was scared the girls, or even worse Cordelia would hear.
Cordelia always witnessed the aftermath of Luna and I's arguments. I am so thankful for her though, she was always there for me. Good and bad nights.
She laughed, "Really? that's what you're scared of? you know what you should be scared of? NO ONE LOVING YOU AGAIN. YOU ARE UNBEARABLE, HIGH MAINTENANCE. DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK YOU'LL FIND BETTER THAN ME? NO. YOU WON'T. YOU'RE PATHETIC." She purposefully raised her voice so people could hear.
My eyes were so full of tears, I couldn't see clearly.
"I'm sorry, i'm sorry, please i'll do better, i'll try..please."
I heard the door swing open, to my surprise, and to Lunas.
"Luna it is time for you to leave. And if I ever, I mean it when I say ever, see you again or near
Y/N, I will fucking ruin you. Got it?"
It was Cordelia. I wrapped my arms around my body ashamed of my current state.
Mascara smeared across my face, sitting in my panties and a shirt that was a size too big falling off my shoulder.
As Luna walked away, Cordelia came rushing over to me holding me in her arms. "It's me Cordelia, Okay? Just me sweetheart." She cooed at me attempting to calm my breathing down.
"You're alright. She's gone honey, she's gone."

Cordelia then picked me up and walked me to my bed. She sat me down and gave me a sad smile wiping my tears. "Just stay right here, okay? Don't move. I will be right back. " She stroked my cheek for a moment and then walked out of the room.
The room grew quiet, but not for long. I heard screams from outside. I listened closely and heard Madison. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. YOURE GONNA DIE ALONE. DO YOU HEAR ME? Y/N IS HOT AS FUCK AND THE NICEST GIRL IN THIS FUCKING WORLD. FUCK. I AM GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU.." I peered out the window examining the situation. Zoe had to pull Madison back inside as Luna pulled out of the driveway. "Madison you can't just beat people up!" I heard Zoe lecture to Madison as they walked inside the house.

I giggled. Madison could be an asshole but damn was she a protective and loyal friend.
Cordelia walked into the room and saw me laughing, "I tried to contain Madison, but clearly she had a few words of her own to say." She laughed and shook her head.

I saw in her hands some makeup wipes and a hairbrush.
I watched as she pulled a wipe from the pouch, "I'm so sorry, about all that. I didn't mean to cause a scene. I'm so embarrassed."
She smiled and held my cheek in her hand, "Y/N. What have I told you? There is no need to be sorry. It was out of your control. She was just doing anything in that moment to upset you."

She gently wiped my face, "There are a lot of people who care about you, Y/N. Me included. You aren't alone. And I love you Honey, so much. What Luna did and continued to do to you, isn't love. Toxic relationships are tricky. It's a spell even I can't break. Just know that i'm here for you though. Don't feel like you can't reach out for help. Especially with me. I understand what you're going through, I've had my own challenges with Hank." She was finishing up wiping off my makeup as she spoke.
I sniffled and smiled, "Fuck Hank."
Cordelia's eyes grew wide and she let out an airy laugh, "Yeah.. fuck him."
She finished cleaning up my face and smiled looking at me, "You're so beautiful, Y/N."

Before I could react, my bedroom door swung open and Madison came storming in. Zoe followed quickly behind her in defeat, "I tried to keep her away."
I giggled shaking my head, "Hi Madison.."
"Y/N. If you bring that ignorant little bitch back I will fuck up her world. She has no idea who she's messing with-"

Cordelia laughed, "Madison, please! breathe.."

Madison looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I love you, bitch." She sat in my bed beside me and hugged me for a minute. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head and she sighed in relief. "Good, I love you Y/N. If you ever let anyone treat you that way again though, I will beat the living hell out of you"
"MADISON!" Cordelia yelled. She quickly apologized and ran out of the room.

Cordelia and I exchanged looks before laughing. "See? we all love you. We just have different ways to express it." Cordelia laughed and hugged me kissing my head. "I've got you, Y/N."

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