I'm a Mess (Liz Olsen)

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Frozen rain pelted at the back of my neck like small darts. It was freezing and I was still a few blocks away from my apartment, but I guess that was my own fault.

I have this way of ruining the good things in my life. I've found it much easier just to be the one to break hearts rather than wait for my own to be broken.

She offered to drive me home.

After I had spent hours pushing her away, I dismissed all of her comforts, ignored the "I love you's," and she still cared.

How can someone care so much?

It's crazy, because most relationships seem to end for the opposite reason, and here I am, pushing her away for caring.

My numb feet continued to push me forward, running on autopilot back home, but the warm feelings she gave me continued to linger in my chest, reminding me exactly where my home really was. Who it really was.

I'm nothing with out her.

I shook my head to myself, my teeth crushing into my bottom lip while the rain camouflaged the tears spilling from my eyes.

I'm nothing without her...

Before my brain could catch up with my heart, I forced my feet to a halt, spinning back on my heels and then took off into a sprint. My body tore through the wind, and I swear to god, the pure desire that I felt was enough to increase my stamina, allowing me to run all the way back until my feet hit the porch.

Three knocks was all it took to see her again.

I was quickly met with hazel eyes that appeared glossy, the top of her nose had a light shade of pink, and her lip quivered ever so slightly between her teeth. Her gaze softened when she met mine, her chest falling as if I had just broken her heart all over again.

What had I done?


"I'm sorry, Lizzie!" I blurted out, and her lips parted slightly, shaking her head but I couldn't let this go on any longer. I needed her.

"I'm sorry I pushed you away. I thought this was all too good to be true, that you loving me was only wishful thinking. I pushed you away because of it and I'm sorry!"


"No, listen," I stepped forward to the door way, resting both hands on her upper arms and ignoring the trail of droplets I left along the way.

"You deserve the world, Elizabeth! You deserve a loving partner and a happy life, and I know that I can be a piece of shit sometimes and I have a lot of problems, but I swear to god I'll do everything in my power to give you that life because I love you.."

Her eyebrows raised slightly, her lips releasing shaky breaths as she slowly absorbed my words. A thousand different emotions casted across her face, but I had no choice but to say. I was tired of lying.

"I love you! Elizabeth Chase Olsen, I fucking love you and I'm tired of pretending that I don't!"

I threw my hands in the air, smiling at the confession like a crazy person but I didn't care. A single tear fell from her eye, and my heart sped up at the sight, fearing that it may be too late. She slowly shook her head.


Her hand gripped the collar of my shirt, pulling me close before using her other hand to cup my cheek, a small smile spread over her lips.

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