Call Out My Name (Scarlett Johansson)

316 5 2

GP because why the hell not

I slowly blinked open my eyes to a dark room, just barely illuminated by the moonlight that peaked through the blinds, with the sound of light rain battering against the window.

I shifted on a bed a did not recognize, my skin chilled as I realized that I was completely naked, causing me to panic. I quickly went to sit up but found that my hands were bound to the sides of the bed. My mouth was gagged with cloth, preventing me from verbalizing my confusion, and when I tried my feet that hung off the end of the bed, flexing my knees up, I was met with resistance, as my ankles were bound to the bottom posts, leaving my legs spread open.

I struggled to lift my head, fighting with the small amount of slack given to my bound hands to scan the rest of the room, finding several pieces of strange furniture and a wall filled with a variety of whips, straps, and paddle's hanging on it. My eyes widened at the sight.

Where the hell am I?

Nothing in the room was recognizable to me, leaving no photos or personal items to distinguish the owner of this room, and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to think back to the last thing I remember.

Okay, okay. I was driving to work.. No wait, I got in my car, but I couldn't leave because it wouldn't start.

So what happened after that?

Before I could recall any more of the story, I heard a voice coming from outside the door, and I froze as the door began to open.

"Yes.. I'm so sorry for the short notice but she won't be able to make it in today," a raspy woman's voice spoke, sounding sympathetic as she entered into the room. I fought to lift my head again, trying to catch a glance of the woman but she was still too far.

"Mhmm, she's in the hospital right now, but I'll be sure to have her call once she's awake.. Yes, thank you.. Bye.."

I fought against the restraints, muffled sounds leaving my mouth as I listened to footsteps getting closer, until a familiar pair of hazel eyes appeared from my side, leaning against the bed post with a look of innocence.


"Y/n? Everything alright?"

I sighed, turning to find my neighbor standing on her front porch, wrapping her robe over herself, and I nodded my head, biting the inside of my cheek in frustration. "Car's dead."

She giggled, stepping down from her porch and unlocking her car, gesturing me over. "I'll give you a ride. C'mon.."

"Hello, Pet," she cooed, and my eyes widened, thrashing my arms against the restraints while she leaned herself over me, resting a hand on my cheek before slowly letting it trail down. I fought against it at first, unsure of the woman's intentions until I felt her hand cup my breast, squeezing the hardened nipple between her thumb and pointer finger. After a few seconds of attention, she continued her journey down my stomach, all the way to my center, that burned instantly at her touch.

My eyes rolled back at the contact, a small, muffled moan coming from my gagged mouth, and she bit back her smirk while her eyes dilated with desire. "That's my girl. Already wet and we haven't even started. I guess you really do like me," she teased, pulling her fingers away from me and I whined, already missing the touch.

I had been crushing on my neighbor, Scarlett, for a while now. Although, I thought that was only a secret that I kept to myself, but regardless of how she knew or found out didn't matter in the moment. The point was that I was bound to a bed, butt-naked and gagged, alone, with a hot woman.

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