CHAPTER 6: Ghosting

Start from the beginning

Two weeks have passed and he still hasn't shown up. Babe thinks that it might be because of him. He might've triggered him. He thinks that Charlie might've lied when he said he'll work hard, when in fact he meant he gave up. 

But this should make Babe happy.

This should be a good sign.

Maybe he did give up and also didn't like the idea of them being soulmates anymore.

Of course, this made Babe happy but he's just confused about the sudden change of mind.

But he's happy about it.


"Why am I here again?" Babe asked genuinely oblivious as to how he ended up hanging out with the members of X-Hunter. 

They're currently at an amusement park after they dragged Babe's ass out of the bed on his day off. Charlie didn't send a gift today but he thinks he sent the team. And he's only left to wonder why.

"'Cause we're bored and we needed a plus one–

"What?" Babe cuts North off.

"Look! We ordered tickets for 6 but Ch–

"We wanted to have fun before the next season starts," it was Way covering North's mouth.

"And you're free so decided to tag you along–

"Are we that close already? I really wasn't informed–

"Of course! You're cool and we'll never know, you might join the team someday!" North chimes in.

The whole team gasped and was pleased by the idea then they looked at Alan. The latter shrugs his shoulders. "What?" 

"Babe. Join. Team," Jeff explains.

"Oh. No– I mean, of course, if he passes all the requirements and training. You know, Babe doesn't want a free pass on everything especially, if he wants it. He likes to work hard on things he wants so yeah, let him work his way in the team." Alan states and they all nodded and also agreed. They all turned to Babe, excited. 

"I'll think about it?" Babe answers, unsure. 

The team cheered and they went on with the plan today. 

The whole day, they went to every place they could have been: amusement park, movie theater, restaurant, arcade, and racing match. Their hopefully last stop is the pub where Babe works at.

They've been here for about two hours now and within those two hours, Babe was taking shots after shots,  and the team were worried. 

He's now wasted, to be precise. 

"Babe, I think that's enough–

"No!" Babe protests and he steals the bottle and chugs again. 

"Hey, slow down!" Alan scolds and steals the bottle back. They hid it from him, actually, they were not drinking anymore because Babe kept chugging their drink. 

"He looks heartbroken?" North comments. 

Sonic nods. "He looks like his dog went missing or something–

"Right! That's what he's giving off," North agrees. 

Way on the contrary was amused by the sight of Babe. "He's flushed, look!" Way nudges Jeff. 

"Give him more water," Jeff worriedly said. 

Way, despite laughing, went to get some more water. Meanwhile, Alan is scolding Babe while he forces him to drink water. Seconds later, Way returned and gave even more water to Babe.

"Stop it!" Babe pushes the water away and releases himself from Alan's hold. 

"You don't understand! He's so annoying! He's such an asshole! One day, he shows up and then the second thing I know, he ghosts me! How fucking rude! He gives me gifts after gifts like I'm some charity– I like them okay! But then he's ghosting me! Fine! I'm actually okay with it! I'll be so happy if he finally stops showing up in my life! He's really a bastard..." Babe rants and slumps his head to the table.

North whispers, "Oh, he's talking about–

"Where's Charlie?" Babe asked defeated. 

Shock was an understatement of what they're feeling if you ask the team. Especially Allan whose a witness to all of that's happened between them. 

No one mentioned Charlie's name for the reason that they don't want Babe's mood to turn sour if he hears the name. 

Allan has never heard Babe called Charlie by his name so he's very much shocked because it's the first time he's heard him say it. 

No one said a word for a while since Charlie told them not to say anything to Babe because he wouldn't care anyway. So they just cleared their throat and Alan even mindlessly drank the water that was meant for Babe out of shock. 

Suddenly, Babe abruptly lifted his head. 

"Charlie?" Babe calls faintly as he sniffs the air. 

"Hm?" A voice answered. 

Babe's head turned immediately to where the familiar voice and scent came from. Babe has become familiar with the voice and scent of someone he barely knows and interacts with and yet, it feels so familiar to him that he knows who it is just by it. 

And with his drunk self, Babe's face brightened and he, for a second time, smiled because of Charlie. 

Babe's eyes stared at Charlie's own.


"I'm home, Baby." 

CharlieBabe: Walk on FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now