◕-At the Border- Pt I- Xiao

547 13 8

featuring:- Xiao, fem!adeptus reader
warnings:- hurt/no comfort, angst, hinted possible character death, arguments, blood
one of my older works yufdskjbiu don't mind please i havent proofread and edited this in ages :) as always, votes and comments are very much appreciated <3 also im running out on ideas omg 


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"I hate you!" You screamed at him

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"I hate you!" You screamed at him. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! You've always been so caught up in your feelings and emotions, but did you ever think about mine?" At this point, a few tears had escaped your eyes, but you didn't care. Xiao glared angrily at you. "We're both yaksha adepti, not just you! Why don't you get it that I am just like you? But no, you're so busy prancing about, 'Mr. Oh I'm the cold emo Vigilant Yaksha, stay the hell away', that you can't even understand people! I am TIRED of you! You don't get me at all!" By this time, Xiao was emitting the same murderous aura that you were as he spoke, "Y/N-" "Not interested." You cut him off angrily and straight up disappeared, leaving only dark blue smoke behind.

You reappeared in a forested area from where Wangshu Inn looked tiny in the distance. You were seething with rage and anger and you found the perfect outlet to let it all out. Hilichurls and mitachurls came running towards you, the black aura engulfing them showing that they were possessed by karmatic demons. As one of the two who bore said karma, it was part of your contract-bound duty to get rid of them. Your polearm appeared in my hand as you grinned devilishly, maybe even psychopathically. Yeah, you knew you weren't in my right mind, but then again, did you care? No. The closest hilichurl raised its club to strike you, but within a blink you stood behind it, your spear already in its chest. You pulled it out with a huff as you muttered, "Tch, absolutely useless. What an utter waste of space."

It wasn't any problem at all to dispatch multiple waves of those measly monsters to hell. Your senses had, however, picked up another round of incoming enemies, so you stayed alert. The ground thumped and vibrated as the next monsters came into view. Your eyes widened as you took in the assortment of ruin graders, ruin hunters, and geo and.. Electro lawachurls? What were electro lawachurls doing in Liyue? I realised that this would be a tough fight as you activated your vision.

Some time later it was all a blur to you. Strike, dodge, skill, dodge, burst, dodge, repeat. You couldnt let these monsters run loose in Liyue, they would be a big threat to civilians. What's more, they were also enhanced by karmatic demons. You cursed colourfully as you received yet another slash to your already bleeding arm. But blood meant nothing to you, not when you had already seen enough bloodshed in the millenia of your life, both your blood and others'. You were battered and bruised, but you weren't one to give up. As yakshas, you had to keep fighting for this world. For how longer you could keep this up though, you didn't know. Your strength was almost completely exhausted and you had been fighting for hours.

You swiveled around to dodge a lawachurl's attack, but were caught unawares by the ruin machines' numerous missiles all whizzing through the air straight towards you.

Time slowed down. Behind you, the lawachurls poised to strike you down. Ahead, the missiles. You could not dodge in time, you knew what was coming.Time resumed its pace as you collapsed to the ground in searing agony from the double attack, your hands clutching your aching chest. Your karma was also incredibly agitated, and it only increased the agony. You think you heard a man scream out for you..? But previously, there was no one in the vicinity, so you thought you must be hallucinating. Your eyes closed of their own accord as you felt yourself spiralling into an abyss of darkness, and you didn't resist. With a rueful smile, you thought to myself, 'What a wonderful day to die, hmm?' before unconsciousness embraced you.

∽⟬ ◊ ⟭∼

He stood in his balcony in Wangshu Inn, the cool night air calming his anger. He would never admit it out loud, but the hurtful words Y/N said pierced his heart. There was just a small misunderstanding; how did it grow into such a big argument? Did he really behave like that? But he was always cold and reserved., and Y/N knew that. He sighed and shook his head. Whatever, he'd talk to you after you finished your duties. With that, he too disappeared to do his share of the slaughtering.


He frowned, concerned, as he sensed a mass congregation of demons somewhere in the forest ahead. He cautiously approached the forest. That's when he heard a cry resound from somewhere within the forest. His blood ran cold. He'd recognise that voice anywhere. Y/N. That must be why there were so many demons; they were probably attracted by your large accumulation of karma. Throwing all caution to the winds, he dashed to the place from where the cry came in an impossibly fast burst of anemo.

He gasped in horror at the scene in front of his eyes.Blood. Blood everywhere. That's the first thing he saw. He saw the numerous ruin machines in their crouched state. He saw the lawachurls. And he saw Y/N collapsed on the ground in agony. "Y/N!" He screamed as he rushed to you, but he got no response. His heart rate accelerated. Behind him, the earth shook as the possessed monsters approached him. "YOU WANT DEATH?" He yelled at them as he got up in fury. "WELL COME GET IT!" He donned his abilities-enhancing yaksha's mask.

A few minutes passed, and they all lay decapitated and torn to pieces. His rage and fear were such that he had a massive boost in his powers. But what use was it? Y/N still lay unmoving on the ground as he raced towards you. "Y/N, stay with me, don't leave me!" He cried as he frantically shook your shoulders to no avail and checked your pulse. His fear consumed him whole on not feeling anything, but it was there. Terribly faint, but there. You were still alive, but perhaps not for long. No, he couldn't let you die. He hastily took you in his arms and teleported to Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue Harbor. Normally he avoided the city like the plague, but right now he couldn't care less. Y/N's life was on the line here.

"Ah hello Adeptus Xiao, what a surprise to see y-" Baizhu, the owner of the pharmacy greeted him, but cut himself off on seeing the unconscious, fatally wounded girl in his arms. One glance was all Baizhu needed to understand the seriousness of the situation. He hurriedly ushered him into one of the bigger rooms, where he carefully laid Y/N on the bed. Baizhu called out to Qiqi, saying "Child, leave whatever you are doing and come here immediately, we need all the help we can get." Even Ganyu was called from work, seeing that she had adepti healing powers. He could only pace restlessly as he prayed to every archon he'd ever known that Y/N would be alright.

 He could only pace restlessly as he prayed to every archon he'd ever known that Y/N would be alright

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