◕,◔- Broken Hearts- Diluc

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featuring:- Diluc, fem!reader [Y/N], Childe
warnings:- break up, angst, kinda one-sided relationship although it wasn't meant to be, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort


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"We should break up Y/N

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"We should break up Y/N." Those words. Those dreaded, terrible words that shattered your heart. Those words that meant all of your efforts were wasted, that they weren't enough. You couldn't stop the hitch in your voice as you tremblingly asked, "Why? Diluc, why? Was it not enough? Have I done something wrong?" You loved him, you truly did. You did everything you could for him, out of the genuine love you held for him. And that's why it broke you more, the sudden realisation that perhaps, he did not love you back in the same way.

"It isn't working out." He said simply. "It won't work out. I have a lot of work, and I am unable to fit in a relationship into my life. It is proving to be quite a burden and a hindrance." He said emotionlessly. It was as if he didn't even feel anything about his words, no remorse, no sadness. It was as if he was talking to another business acquaintance.

A burden.. Is that all that you were to him? Did everything these past years mean nothing, after all?  You were trying so hard, you helped him out daily, you sacrificed your free time for him, all because you loved him. 'Was it worth it?' A small voice in your mind whispered. 'No.' you thought. 'It wasn't worth it. It wasn't enough.' Even after two solid years of this relationship, two years of you being the one who approached him, helped him through dark times, did almost everything in the relationship, it wasn't enough.

Maybe that is indeed what love does to a person. Makes you blind, so that you couldn't see it was an unhealthy, one sided relationship, where Diluc always received, and you always gave. You were the one who confessed, he accepted. You were the one who planned the anniversary, he went along. You gave him gifts, he received them. You waited for him every night, he never did.

Maybe he was correct... This wasn't meant to work out perhaps. "I see..." "I have to go work at the tavern. I'll see you later." He bluntly said. Somewhere deep within, Diluc was wondering why you hadnt protested. Somewhere, he did want you to disagree. But he ignored it obviously, as he walked out of the room, calm, elegant, poised as always.

The house was silent, alone. Adelinde overheard accidentally, she knew. She tried her best to comfort you. You told her your plans, she supported you. She helped you quickly pack up your stuff during the time Diluc was away.

You left the moment you were done. You couldn't bear to stay another second in your ex-boyfriend's house. You didn't want to see him again. He had torn your heart, you didn't want him to shatter your mind as well. You were determined to get over this, to not let this tie you down. The Dawn Winery was close to the Stone Gate. And so, you went to Liyue. You went there to permanently settle, to get over your heartbreak. To forget about Diluc.


(Diluc POV)

To someone who knew him incredibly well, like Kaeya, it was clear he wasn't doing great, although some would say he deserved it. He devoted all his time and attention to work, and protecting Mondstadt. He always avoided thinking about [Y/N], it only brought him deep regret. Your distressed face flashed across his mind again..

He shook his head, clearing it. He had come to Liyue on a business trip, to discuss possible collaboration. He looked around the bustling Harbor, full of life. He cleared up the discussions with Mr Zhongli, a reputed gentlemen who suggested him possible companies for collaboration. He was just leaving when, "Hey!! Oh god, it's been ageeesssss since I've seen you! Where have you even been!"

His breath hitched. That voice.. So familiar.. Was it [Y/N]?

Your voice was directed in his direction. A selfish hope bloomed in him. But then, as he laid eyes upon you- looking radiant as always- you ran right past him with your arms outstretched. He stupidly turned his head, following you with his eyes- to see you run into another man's embrace, hugging him tightly.

First he had shattered your heart; now you got your revenge by shattering his. He watched you, a sorrowful, dumbfounded look in his eyes, as you kissed the ginger, excitedly talking to him later. Snippets of your conversation reached him. "How.. mission go? ...not hurt, right?..... going to meet your family?"

As they separated, Diluc saw the insignia on the ginger's uniform. Fatui.

Y/N was dating a fatui. A fatui harbinger no less.

Were you aware of this?

Seeing their loving exchange, made the hatred Diluc held for the Fatui boil up even more. "I wish people saw the goofy, non-Harbinger side of you." You laughed. "Now now, that side's reserved for you, my love." Tartaglia uncertainly added, "You're happy, right..? If you're ever unhappy or unsatisfied with me, please let me know... I don't want to lose you." There was unmistakable sincerity in his words that made his thoughts stop.

[Y/N] was silent for a few moments, then an angelic smile spread on your face. Oh, how he'd missed it. You beamed, "The fact that you're thinking this is more than enough for me. I will always love you, because I know that you won't leave me alone in the dust. Remember that, kay? Don't think like that again." You held up your pinkie, and Tartaglia linked it with his. "Together forever." You both said.

He saw the radiant smiles on your faces, the unmistakable love you both held for each other. The sort of love he wasn't able to give you.

As he saw Tartaglia treat you the way you deserved to be, the way he didn't, he knew it. He knew. He knew that he had never been worthy of your love that had once been for him, that was now directed towards someone far more deserving. Seeing your happiness, he left, with a broken heart, the way [Y/N]'s had been, except he knew his would never heal. At least you'd found someone worthy of yourself...

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