◔-Arguments- Ayato

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featuring:- Kamisato Ayato, fem!reader
warnings:- angst, fluff, hurt/comfort

wc:-1143 words

wc:-1143 words

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"You should take a break, 'Yato

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"You should take a break, 'Yato. You've been working for hours nonstop." You said, concerned about your boyfriend. He seemed like he'd had enough, the expression on his face anything but pleasant. Wanting him to unwind for a bit, you suggested, "Maybe we could go for a short walk along the beach? That would surely freshen you up a bit."

"Get out." he said coldly, eyes never leaving the countless papers scattered around his desk. "You're disturbing me. These papers have to reach the Shogun by nightfall, I don't have to time to rest, and you're suggesting a walk? Idiot. Can you not see how busy I am?" He hadn't had a break in ages, was completely sleep deprived (like me), big bags under his eyes and incredibly pissed off in general, increasing your worry for him. You tried again. "'Yato, that's why I'm saying you should relax for a bit. Some fresh air would do you good, you're very agitated right now." "Of course I am!" He snapped, slamming his hands on his cluttered desk as he stood to look at you. "You've been such a nuisance recently, you know that? Always nagging me, 'Yato do this, 'Yato do that. Can't you take a hint and leave me alone?"

He missed the hurt that flashed in your eyes as you swiveled around. "Alright, Ayato, I'll leave you alone." You immediately left and banged the door shut behind you. And leave him alone you certainly did.


It was early dawn, and the cold grey light filtered through the windows of Ayato's dark office. He'd been there the entire night, and had just managed to dispatch that set of papers to Inazuma City. Leaning back in his chair, he thought of how you'd scold him for his unhealthy habits, before he remembered the way he'd snapped at you, and the hurtful things he'd said. Shit, he didn't mean any of that, if anything, it touched him how you always looked out for him. Now that he'd finally managed to catch a break, guilt was eating at him. He really owed you an apology, big time. He walked out of the office for the first time since yesterday's lunch, and went straight to your quarters, knocking on the door. "Love, are you there? Can I talk to you?" He received no response. "Love?" He tried again.

Just then Thoma passed by, confused on seeing Ayato knocking fruitlessly on your door. "Milord, [Y/N] isn't here. I believe she mentioned yesterday night that she was going out for a bit, somewhere around Watatsumi Island? It was weird, but she was also acting weird so I let her be. She also added that she had some urgent business there."

"Oh.." Ayato murmured. "Alright." But his heart did not calm down, the bad feeling in the pit of his stomach increasing. You two were dating. Surely you'd come back, right? Right?


Wrong. It had been days, yet you still hadn't returned. Ayato grew more and more worried with every passing hour. Were you safe? You hadn't been ambushed or anything, had you? Were you upset? Were you angry with him? Had he really messed up that bad? Surely he didnt...

A week passed, and Ayato couldn't take it anymore. He handed over the duties of the Yashiro Commission to Ayaka for a while, and set off for Watatsumi Island on a waverider in the dead of night. It took him an entire day to reach there, frantically searching for his beloved along the way. The moment he docked on the shores of Watatsumi Island, he immediately started searching around for your whereabouts, not even caring about hunger or thirst. Fear was the only thing he felt, a fear of you leaving him. The soldiers looked so confused on seeing the Yashiro Commissioner running around, but did not question it. One helpful recruit told him that she was wandering near the Sangonomiya Shrine, and off he was.

"[Y/N]!" He exclaimed, on finally, finally, catching sight of you sitting beneath a tree, a butterfly perched on your finger. The loud sound he made startled away the butterfly, and you looked up at him, before getting up and walking away without a word. "[Y/N], wait please, can I talk to you, please?" He pleaded, catching up to you. You merely shook off his hand and continued walking. "Why are you here, Kamisato Ayato." You said coldly. "Your wish was for me to leave you alone, and I did that. Why are you following me then?" "[Y/N], I messed up, I know, can you please hear me out? I never meant any of that, I really didn't, I swear. I was just really anxious and irritated and worried, and I let it out on you. I swear, I've been regretting it with every fibre of my being. I love you, you know that, I love you so much, you can never be a nuisance to me, in fact, you're my saving grace. If I could take back everything I said, if I could turn back time, I would. [Y/N], please, could you forgive me? Please come back to me? I can't live without you..."

Your eyes involuntarily softened as you stepped back a bit to observe him. He seemed even more tired and upset than the last time you'd seen him, if that was even possible. But this time, there was desperation painted on his features. "Ayato, you really hurt me, you know that right? I was worried for you, all I was trying to do was help you out. So when you snapped at me, I felt really terrible." You told him quietly. He instantly said, "I know, I realised that. You have no idea how much I appreciate you always looking out for me. I never ever wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry... I'm really, really sorry [Y/N]." He whispered.

You sighed, extending your arms, hugging him tightly. "Come here, 'Yato." , and his heart nearly burst on hearing that nickname again after more than a week. He buried his face in your neck, relishing that warm and soft embrace of yours after so long. You gently ran your hands through his hair. "Apology accepted. But you better not do it again, or else-" "I won't." He quickly said. "Did I tell you how much I love that nickname?"

You returned with him to the Yashiro Estate, and ever since then, Ayato had been so much sweeter, always minding his words, and spoiling you rotten, despite your protests. But you accepted it, happy to be with your caring boyfriend again.

 But you accepted it, happy to be with your caring boyfriend again

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