CHAPTER -16- The result day

Start from the beginning

Siya:-अब हमे आज्ञा दीजिए

(Siya:-Now I want permission to leave from here)

Saying this, she and Aditi leave from there.

*After a few minutes

While walking Yuvraaj says to Rajveer,

Yuvraaj:-तुम्हे siya को ऐसे सबके सामने नही डांटना चाहिए था

(Yuvraaj:-You shouldn't have scolded Siya like this in front of everyone.)

Rajveer:-कल मेरा राज्याभिषेक है और उसके एक हफ्ते बाद हमारी शादी,मैं नही चाहता मेरी होने वाली पत्नी इस तरह व्यवहार करे

(Rajveer:-Tomorrow is my coronation and a week after that our wedding, I don't want my future wife to behave like this)

Yuvraaj:-फिर भी आप उसे अकेले में समझा सकते थे ऐसे सबके सामने डांटना अच्छा नही लगता

(Yuvraaj:-Still, you could have explained to her in private, it doesn't feel good to scold her in front of everyone.)

Rajveer:-दोस्त, वो मेरी होने वाली पत्नी हैं तुम फिक्र मत करो की मुझे उसे कब क्या कहना चाहिए

(Rajveer:-Friend, she is my future wife, don't worry about what I should say to her.)

Then he says smilingly,

Rajveer:-You too must come to my coronation.

Yuvraaj just simply replies "sure".

*At Jaigarh Palace

Aditi follows Siya to her room.

Aditi:- Siya..

Before Aditi can say anything further, Siya interrupts her.

Siya:-please aditi, don't take his side now

Aditi:-I just want to say that you should not have behaved like this with Yuvraaj, it was wrong.

Siya:-So I apologized to him, but why did Rajveer need to scold me in front of everyone?

Aditi:-I agree that he did wrong but you also humiliated Yuvraaj in front of everyone.

Siya says irritated,

Siya:-You will take his side because you like him..

Hearing this Aditi says angrily

Aditi:-Shut up, I told you it would never be mentioned again.

Siya realized what she said was wrong.

she says feeling guilty,

Siya:-Sorry, I vented out all my anger on you.

Aditi:-Rajveer was right, you need some manners to become a queen.

Saying this she goes away in anger and finally tears start falling from Siya's eyes.

*At Rajgarh Palace

Two men come to the palace to meet the king inside the court ,in which one person's face is covered.

King:-What was the reason that both of you have come to meet me so late in the night?

The two men look at each other and the man whose face is covered shows his face to the king.

Seeing his face, at first the king is surprised, then his eyes fill with tears and then he smiles and hugs him and says

King:-तुम जिंदा हो हमे तो अपनी आंखों पर भरोसा ही नहीं हो रहा है ,अर्जुन

(King:-You are alive, I can't believe my eyes, Arjun.)

Arjun smiles and hugs him back and says,

Arjun:-मैं भी ज़िंदा हूं और वो भी जिसे आपने मेरे भरोसे छोड़ा था

(Arjun:-I am also alive and so is the one whom you left in my care.)

king could not be able to stop his tears and then he says,

King:-Is he really alive? Where is he?

Arjun:-I will be able to introduce you to him tomorrow, not now, but please meet him, this is Raghu, he was the one who had taken care of him for so long.

king looks at Raghu and says with folded hand

King:-I will never forget this favor of yours

Raghu himself folds his hands and says,

Raghu:-मैने तो बस अपना फर्ज निभाया महाराज

(Raghu:-I just did my duty sir)

king says to both of them,

King:-Sit here and tell me where you were all this time and everything that happened

Then he sits down and tells the whole story to the king.

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