Chapter 1- This Charming Man

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His voice was gravelly and orotund, "What do you want?"

Moment's pass, Kushina spoke up first- her voice was shaky but nonetheless she demanded respect, "We are here to discuss the contract and any questions you may have."

Minato pulled out a paper and slipped it through the food slot of Issac's cell. Issac looked at him with a look that questioned Minato's intelligence. "My hands..." There was silence and aura of confusion that hung in the air. Issac pushed back the food slot with his arms and Kushina grabbed it, she cleared her throat and began her rehearsed speech.

While she did not need to rehearse any speech- her mother's teachings overwhelmed her...Old Habits Die Hard.

She began "Issac Foster, on behalf of the Whirlpool Kingdom royal family we humbly request your protection for the heir to the throne. I, Lady Kushina, will read the contract to you and answer any questions. Do you understand?"

Issac groaned and flopped to his bed. Minato swears he saw steam come out of her ears. Issac was less than pleased at this proposition, he was so close to escaping then these...royals just had to interrupt. He then got an idea- if these royals got him out, he would not need to escape, meaning the police wouldn't be on his back all the time.

He turned to face the pair now, "As I was saying, we are requesting to be the heir to the throne's personal guard. We have read the reports and believe that you have the potential to be a great fit for the position. Questions?" Zack shook his head, his eyes still showing his boredom, "Alright, after the viewing the reports and your tendency to... murder...and with the many attempts on the heir's life, we would like you to kill anyone who acts out of malice towards the heir. You will be under direct orders of the heir, so we have no legislation over you."

Zack snickered, "I don't take orders from anyone! No-one! I don't belong to you or the heir!" He began to laugh manically.

"Well, we will also provide you with housing, a warm bed and food every day and night, and you will have the choice to get a different change of clothing! How does that sound, eh?" Minato chimed in; he clapped his hands at the end of the sentence.

Zack thought for a second, warm bed, food that is better than the slop here, killing... "I'll do it."

Kushina was about to speak but was caught off by Minato clapping and saying how "I knew it was a good idea, see!"

Issac stared at Kushina worryingly, his face seemed to ask her if this man was serious. Kushina sighed heavily, knowing that the car ride back would be treacherous. She ran a pale hand through her red locks, at this point she wouldn't be surprised if she went gray early. Minato had been sold on this idea of reforming a serial killer by "giving them a second chance" Kushina, however, was worried for her son's safety. This man -no- child, has murder countless with no rhyme or reason and her husband wants to put him with their son! Had Minato no care? Naruto, her sweet child, had been through so much- isolation, abuse, neglect, public humiliation. All that and he was still the sweetest boy she'd ever met.

Kushina knew firsthand how it felt to be a Jinchuriki, especially for the Nine-tails. People gawked at her like she was some alien, she was ripped to shreds verbally by her classmates. Her father did his best to protect her, but he could only do so much. Her housekeepers, appointed by her mother- the former whirlpool queen- would abuse her any chance they got. When her mother questioned it- the housekeepers would lie and blame it on Kushina's fiery personality. Her mother grew increasingly more frustrated with the constant bruising saying, "How are you going to get married if you look like that?" Kushina hated her mother's strictness, lack of affection, and coldness towards her. She could however recall an event that stuck with her.

A young Kushina was tasked with running through her kingdom to deliver a scroll to someone abiding on the outskirts of the kingdom. She vividly recalls some kid calling her a "freak". She was frustrated because she was in public. Should fewer people be present, she would have beaten the kid senselessly. Her mother, however, did not care. She heard the loud sound of skin being smacked. Kushina stared at her mother standing over the kid- who's now crying and holding his face. She did not hear her mother's exact words, but she likes to think her mother said something to the effect of, "Call my daughter a freak again and we'll see how long you live."

Despite this, she was glad she went through these events, it gave her tough skin. It also helped her understand her son.

If she could have it any other way, she would still be Jinchuriki.

Minato snapped Kushina out of her train of thought, "We have the all-clear to take him out"

She nodded and began to pack her things but keeping the files close to her chest. She couldn't escape the thought that something was going to go wrong- whether that would happen sooner or later is up to fate.

Something, something, something, something is going to happen to my boy.

The process to get Zack out was easy enough, the boy was set free and his weapons: a scythe and a knife were handed to the royal couple for safe keeping. Again, Kushina questioned the legality of all the occurring events. The couple walked back through the barren hallways and dim areas. Zack followed behind them, his hands cuffed Infront of him, he was hunched over while walking. His ears picked up the whispers of "lucky bastard" and other choice words and name calling.

He didn't care, he was out while they were in.

Zack and the couple were instantly blinded by the sun. The day was still young, Minato commented, they could get back to the kingdom before the sun went down. Minato turned to Zack, "if the ride is smooth and we make good time, you can meet the heir today."

Zack groaned; "Ya' keep saying 'the heir' but I don't know who the hell that is! How am I supposed to guard someone I don't know!"

The couple paused- they had been avoiding this question for as long as they could. They rushed Zack to the car with Minato saying, "for the heir's safety- we prefer not to disclose anything." Not like Zack cared, all he wanted was to get out of the lousy cell.

The car ride was tense, and Minato and Kushina sat away from Zack. There was silence, the trio seemed to fall into this uncomfortable cycle of silence often. Minato sighed heavily, "As I was saying, the heir has a target on his head," he paused, unsure if he should say anything more, "and because of that target, many people want him dead or want in his pant-" Kushina cut him off with a smack on the arm.

"When the ride is over and you meet the heir, he will explain everything. For now, though, we can provide you with any basic information about him."


Minato looked a Kushina and waited for a response, "His name is Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki."

Zack raised an eyebrow, "Is that not a food?"

He sensed that Minato and Kushina grew annoyed, "Well yes, but we meant for it to be whirlpool, since he is the heir to the Whirlpool kingdom," Kushina's voice floated through the car.

They fell into silence once again; this time it was a comforting silence. Minato was excited about Zack getting another chance, Kushina still filled with worry albeit to a lesser extent, and Zack wondering how much longer he would be in this stuffy car. 

WC: 1332

A/N: First chapter! Hopefully you all like this and will continue to read my works. Please let me know any ways I can improve. 

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