Chapter 11: Here And Hidden

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Damian's pov:

After the incident with that harlot I got at least five hours of sleep before waking up and getting ready to look for Angel again. I had contracted everyone the night before about meeting at the apartment complex to search for her before I broke my computer, so I needed to head over there quickly. I looked at the time, and it was about eight in the morning. I was about to change into some new clothes when I heard a knock at my door. I went to open the door, and when I did I was tackled into a hug by none other than Kent and Bourgeois.

"Damian Wayne why the heck have you not been taking care of yourself you idiot!"

I heard Bourgeois scream at me as she was still holding onto me. She and Jon got off of me, Bourgeois snapped her fingers, and Jon pulled me up and pushed me onto my couch.

"Tt. What are you guys doing here, I said to meet at the apartment complex, I sent to you the address."

I said confused and slightly irritated. I couldn't be angry though, they were worried about me.

"Excuse me?!"

Chole began irritation off of her voice like heat from a summers day.

"Don't you start that strong man persona you stupid idiot! I know for a fact that you have not been taking care of yourself whatsoever! There are huge bags under your eyes, you're skinny as heck, y-you are..."

Her voice started to crack.


I whispered slowly standing up only to be forcefully pushed back down by her.

" Don't you 'Bourgeois' me! You are such an idiot! I'm looking at your room and it's a total pigsty! Ridiculous utterly ridiculous knowing Mari-bug she would NOT be happy to see you like this, to see you like this, to see her home like this!"

She screamed at me while tears were running down her face. I looked down, then at Kent to see that tears were also flowing down his face. I felt horrible, I didn't know I had worried them so much, and she was right. If I did find Angel I would never want her to come home to see a mess like this.

"Tt. You're right, I'm sorry."

I said quietly trying not to cry.

"I understand Demon, everyone is so worried."

She said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Now please tell me why there's glass and medal frame of a computer all over the floor."

I looked up at her and felt tears start to well up in his eyes again, and felt the anger pulsing through me again. I felt my breathing pattern became irregular again. I could feel Bourgeois's and Kent's concerned stares at me. I closed my eyes and started to slowly breath in and out to calm down again. I pulled out my phone, went to my email, tapped the message and the video from that unknown person sent me, handed it to them and re-heard the horrid sound of that wretched devil, and my poor angel in pain. I heard Bourgeois and Kent scream in horror and rage.


"WOAH, calm down queenie."

Kent cut her off.


Bourgeois screamed in his face.

"Queenie, I'm just as pissed as you, but if you continue to act like this, it will only make the matter worse."

Kent said, with a stern and anger voice. But he knew how to be smart, how to make wise decisions, he really had learnt a lot. I put my face into my hands, covering the tears that once again fell down my face.

"Demon, we are sorry."

Bourgeois said her voice soft and cracked.

I nodded in response to sad to say anything. I then heard the sound of a paper bag being placed down next to me.

"We brought you some food, had a feeling you needed it."

I looked up at them through cracked fingers and nodded. How had I not noticed that they brought food. I guess I'm more tired then I thought.

"Come on demon, if you don't eat, you won't be well enough to go to the apartment complex."

He had a point, I nodded removed my hands from my face, took the bag and opened it to see that it had pastries from a bakery. I took one of the pastries, which just so happened to be a croissant. I smiled at the food knowing that it just like old times when I and angel will bake some pastries together. I took a bite and offered some of the others to Bourgeois and Kent who at first refused, but then gave in as I kept annoying them. I looked at the time, it was about 9 A.M. which meant we should leave soon, but Bourgeois and Kent made me shower and change first saying that I stunk, which they were probably right. When I was out I saw that they had cleaned up the room, and vacuumed the floor to get rid of any extra glass still laying around. I thanked them tremendously with apologies sewn into the thanks. After that we left to the complex to meet up with the others. While driving together in the car Kent driving and Bourgeois in the passenger seat. Bourgeois turned to look at me and said,

"We're here for you Demon."

Then she turned back around and we continued our drive in silence.

Mari's pov:

I had to keep my breath steady, if he heard me, or even worse, found me, who knows what he would do. I shivered at the thought and continued to stay silent and still, to afraid of getting caught to do anything else.

I am so lucky that I am Ladybug, because if I wasn't, then I would probably still be in the chair. That idiot underestimated me, and that was his first mistake. During my first attempt at escape I memorized everything I could. When he transferred me to those rooms, I took everything I saw and put it in my memory of ways and places to hide in or escape from. The chair was the hardest part, I had to shift the chair or without him hearing it, and luckily that cat left the pocket knife on the table. So all I had to do was knock it into my hand, then quickly cut the ropes from my wrist and feet. It was really lucky that Dami had thought me how to do when you were tied on the chair in our training. I took the cloth out of my mouth, used it to wipe of the blood, then I took the knife and cut the rope and silk cloth into small pieces so they could never be used again. I found the duct tape and took it with me, along with the pocket knife.

He was in his office, so I quickly slid out of the room he kept me in, and went for the door. I had a feeling to go to the laundry room in his apartment though, I trusted that feeling, and it was a good thing I did when I heard him scream my name. I quickly and quietly hid in a cupboard beside his drying machine, and held my breath as I heard him rampaging through the house. It was getting harder and harder to stay calm, harder not to cry, hard to stay still, to breath as slowly and quietly as possible. I heard him go into every room, except this one. Maybe even I don't had the earring, Tikki spirit is still with me after all. I feel safe.

I heard a knock on the door, who could it be, can they help me, or will they help him? Questions ran through my mind as different scenarios ran through my mind making me want to scream! Why couldn't my brain just shut up?! That's when I heard it, I knew its owner, but I had to act wisely, to get his attention without attracting Adrien's attention. I would do it, today is the day, I'm going home! I'm going back to my family and my Demon!


I'm so so so sorry everyone for the late update I was so busy about my exam, folio homework and my final exam📚📚📚📓🗂️📝📝📖📖 this month to many things to do. I'm so stress and tired😭😭😭😢😢😢 🤯🤯🤯🥱🥱🥱 but I'm so happy that you all like my story.

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