𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 : 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐧𝐯𝐲

Începe de la început

A subtle battle wage within me, a clash between reason and emotion. 

After around fifteen minutes, they strolled in, wrapped in laughter and conversation, reigniting that familiar irritation within me. 

Just as the discomfort settled, Keerti intervened, calling us for dance practice.

As we gathered, Sharvi, seemingly unperturbed, joined me with a casual greeting. "Hi," she said.

Returning the greeting without revealing the turmoil within, I couldn't resist asking, "Where were you?"

"Bored after work, I decided to go for a walk. Karthik saw me going and joined in – he had some work outside," she explained patiently.

So, she didn't go with him; he went with her.

Thinking about something, I inquired, "Did you try the local food you wanted to?"

"No, Karthik and I were about to, but Keerti called us back," she replied, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

That means, if it would not have been for Keerti's call, she would have explored the local food with that guy. Just the thought of that tightened my chest.

The unexpected twist in plans brought an odd sense of peace. 

Surprisingly, I found happiness in Keerti's timely call, realising it had inadvertently spared me from a scenario that would have left me grappling with emotions beyond my control.

In that moment, though it seemed outrightly foolish, an overwhelming desire surged within me—to say thanks to Keerti in every language known to mankind for that timely call.

The desire to be her companion, especially in exploring new culinary delights, lingered. I longed to share those moments, to listen to her rants about dishes – the ones that fell short of her expectations and the ones that pleasantly surprised her. The yearning to be the person offering companionship in those simple yet meaningful experiences lingered within me, just like old times. 

In our three years in Delhi, I had been the constant partner on her food adventures, in exploring cafes and restaurants, indulging in her whims of trying different foods.  It was an unspoken tradition – she would always take me along. There was never a second option.

Yet, today was different. The realisation stung; she had no qualms about choosing someone else. Why?

That's when, my conscience echoed the bitter truth, "Certainly because you weren't with her for the last 10 years." 

A poignant reminder of the changing dynamics and the lingering ache of missed moments!

Regret echoed in the chambers of my thoughts as I wished for a different outcome on that day ten years ago. If only I hadn't run off, if circumstances had unfolded in a way more aligned with my desires. The weight of what-ifs hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the irreversible choices made.

Under the choreographer's guidance, we practised the familiar steps from yesterday.

Today wasn't awkward like yesterday, rather, today was about enjoyment and delight.

As we wrapped up the practice, an unexpected wave of longing hit me. I missed her proximity, cherishing the moments when we danced together. The desire for time to stand still, to hold her in my arms forever, slipped through my thoughts.

The Dance Of DestinyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum