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"He cheated on me." she cries and falls in my arms. "Y/N. I'm so sorry." I say with sorry eyes. "What did I do to deserve this, Xiaojun?" she asks and I say nothing instead I just hold her in my arms. "I hate him. I hate him so much." she says while sobbing and I just rub her back to soothe her. "I'm sorry it's your birthday. I shouldn't be crying about him to you on your day." she says and I shake my head. "I don't care what day it is, I'm always gonna be here for you." I say and she wipes her tears and smiles at me. "Thank you Jun. I am so lucky to have you." she says and hugs me tight. "Now come on, let's go cut your cake." she says and pulls me by my hand and I feel my heart thump loudly in my chest.

"So we're kind of back together." she says and my face fell. "Kind of?" I say and she smiles slightly. "Okay we're back together officially. He apologized and got me chocolates and flowers." She says but I don't listen. All I hear is the breaking of my heart. "Jun?" she says and I snap out of it. "As long as you're happy then I'm happy." I say and she pulls me into a hug. "Thank you for being my best friend." she says and all I do is smile at her.

It's 4am and I hear a knocking at my door. When I open the front door, I see Y/N there crying in the rain. "Shit Y/N what are you doing here? It's 4 in the morning did you walk here? What happened? Are you okay?" I ask as I pull her into my living room to wrap her in a blanket and all she does is look at me with tears in her eyes. "He did it again, didn't he?" I ask and she slowly nods and lets out a choked sob. "Oh Y/N come here." I say and she quickly lands in my arms again. "I'm really done this time, Jun." she says and I nod. "It's okay. Let's head upstairs. You take a warm shower and I'll get you some clothes." I say and she nods. Soon after, she comes out of the bathroom wearing the smallest clothes I have. "I'm sorry for coming so late Jun." she says and I just pull her to the bed. "Don't apologize, just sleep and we'll talk in the morning." I say and she nods, falling asleep quickly in my arms.

"I miss you Jun. When can I see you again?" Y/N asks over the phone. "Anytime you want sweetheart." I say and she giggles. "Okay well open your door then." she says and hangs up. I shake my head with a smile on my face while I head to the door. "Hi Junnie." she says and hugs me. "Hi sweetheart." I say and kiss the top of her head. "I'm hungry, what do you have to feed me?" she asks after we pull apart. "I have kimchi fried rice?" I ask and she nods. "Sounds great." she says and immediately searches for the food. "Sit, I'll serve you a bowl." I say and she immediately sits down. "Oh my god Jun this is so good." she says and I smile.

After she finishes eating, we end up cuddling in my bed. "Jeno reached out." She says and my whole body stiffens. "I miss him, Jun." she says and I hear her sniffling. "You miss him?" I ask, immediately getting up. "Jun it's not that simple. Jeno and I have history." she says getting defensive. "Oh and we don't? Okay." I scoff. "Xiaojun please." she says with a pleading voice. "I'm trying, I am I just." she says and pauses. "You what?" I say, already knowing what she's going to say. "I love him, Jun." she whispers and I sigh deeply. "He's on his way to pick me up." she says. "Whatever makes you happy, Y/N." I say and walk out of my room.

"I'm leaving now, Jun." she says but I don't say anything back. "I'm sorry." she says and I just scoff. I feel her staring at me and she just sighs and walks out the door. "FUCK" I say and suddenly punched a hole in my wall. "Oh fuck. Damnit." I say holding my hand while looking at the fist sized hole. I sigh and lay my head on the wall, letting a few tears fall.

"Hey Xiaojun, wait up!" Hendery says and I slow down and wait for him to catch up. "So how have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while." He asks and I sigh. "Oh you know me, getting played over and over again by Y/N but what's new." I say and he looks at me crazy. "Still? Dude you need to stop being her shoulder to cry on. She's playing with your emotions. Cuddling and kissing you one day and then back with Jeno the other. It's not right and it's not good for you." he says and for the thousandth time this week, I sigh. "I know it's just too hard to let her go." I say and he pats my shoulder. "It never is my friend. Anyway, I gotta go. I got uni in 15 minutes. I'll see you later though, NCITY Night Club?" he says and I nod.

"Xiaojun?" I hear someone call from out of my window while I'm getting dressed to go to the bar with Hendery and Mark. I look out the window to see Y/N there with tears streaming down her face. "Y/N. I can't talk right now, I'm getting ready." I say but she still ends up knocking on my door. I open it and there she is, the love of my life, crying over the same boy that has broken her heart more times than I can count. "Y/N I really can't talk right now." I say and she starts to cry. "He did it again." she says and she tries to hug me but I step back. "Jun?" she says and I breathe out. "I can't help you right now. I can't do this again." I say and she looks at me with a confused look. "Do what?" she asks and I finally snap. "THIS! I can't keep hurting myself by letting you come to me. I can't keep being your 'friend' that you cuddle and kiss when you're avoiding your boy toy. I can't keep spreading myself thin so you can be okay again. I can't keep being the one to put you back together when all he does is break you all over again. And you choose him. You keep going back to him and I know it's hard, Y/N especially when you love that person but I can't keep letting you break my heart so yours is all healed again for him." I say and she looks at me with wide eyes. "I love you, Y/N. But I can't do this anymore. It's too hard." I say and I walk out of my door closing and locking it while walking past her but she grabs my hand. "Are we still friends?" she asks and I sigh. "I'll always be your friend, sweetheart. No matter how bad it hurts." I say while letting her hand go. I give one last look at her on my porch and I get into my car and drive away, a stray tear falling down my face.

Inspired by the song "Hard" by Why Don't We

i tried something different this time instead of y/n pov i did it the other way around. y/n is the problem lmao my jeno could do no wrong🫶🏼



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