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- Earth Kills

Hope awoke the next day with a killer migraine, she hardly had any sleep last night thanks to Jasper who's been groaning and screaming loudly in pain keeping everyone up

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Hope awoke the next day with a killer migraine, she hardly had any sleep last night thanks to Jasper who's been groaning and screaming loudly in pain keeping everyone up. She winced turning over on the side as she attempted to go back to sleep only for Octavia to shake her awake, " Hope, come on, wake up" the auburn haired girl groaned sitting up on the bed running her fingers through her hair. " Octavia? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sneaking off with Atom?"

Octavia let out a laugh pulling Hope up by her hands, " you're so funny. No, he's been ignoring me since this morning. Won't talk to me and whenever I try to get answers he just walks away. Do you know how Monty doing he was worried yesterday when you and the others went to get Jasper?" Hope let out a sigh as she started to get dressed not really bothered that Octavia was there since the two of them had been sharing their tent, " He's still worried about him. It's hard not to be with the situation we're in. He needs medicine and soon"

"I don't get it" Octavia trailed off with a shake of her head as she recalled what happened yesterday at the river, " The grounders could have attacked at anytime. Why did they wait until we crossed the river" Hope had a thoughtful expression on her face as she pulled on her jacket before putting on her boots, " they waited for us to cross. The river a boundary" Octavia nodded her head in agreement as she looked at Hope, " which means that mount weather is off limits. I don't know how we're going to get more supplies. People are going to get more hungry"

Hope licked her lips with a shake of her head, " unless we have to go hunting ourselves for food. I heard Bellamy and a few others are going hunting later on. I'm gonna go with them" Octavia couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips as the two girls left the tent, " you really think my brother will let you join them?" Hope shrugged her shoulders with a smirk on her lips, " He's not the boss of me. What's he gonna do... keep me hostage here. I don't think so"

The sound of Jasper groaning and moaning loudly echoed through the camp since they had brought him back to camp as he had regained consciousness he's been suffering and since the delinquents didn't have any medical resources to relief his pain. Octavia and Hope shared an alarmed look before rushing towards the dropship climbing up onto the upper level where Jasper was with Clarke who was attending his wounds.

The auburn haired girl made her way over to Jasper sitting on the other side of him as she looked down at Jasper state as he had gotten even more paler than before covered in sweat as she placed her hand against his forehead as his temperature had gone up as he was burning hot, " He's going to be okay, isn't he?" Hope questioned with a concerned look on her face as she looked down at Jasper.

"This is infected. He could be septic" Clarke informed as she looked over jaspers wounds before looking at Finn, Hope, Octavia, Wells and Monty, "Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark? Monty?" Monty tore his eyes away from his best friend as he looked towards the blonde girl, " that would be a firm no" Clarke had a anxious look on her face as she let out a shaky breathe, "My mother would know what to do"

𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐄 - 𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐀 𝐊𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐊𝐑𝐔Where stories live. Discover now