Vienna was caught by surprise, refusing to entertain the thought of Treech not emerging victorious. "Don't say that; you are going to win," she told him, slapping his arm through the bars.

To lighten the mood, Treech let out a playful whine, smiling in response. Vienna mirrored his actions, creating a moment of shared laughter that cut through the tension.

The playful banter faded, leaving a moment of silence between them. Both the tribute and the mentor seemed to have forgotten the presence of the others around them.

"I love you," Vienna blurted out. She had never been so vulnerable in her life—not even her parents had heard her utter those words. Part of her wanted to take it back and say it was all a sick joke, but the other half knew it didn't matter.

Treech smiled, warmth in his eyes. He yearned to return the affection, but he couldn't, not yet—not while he was stuck in the arena. Instead, he opted for changing the subject, his concern evident in his expression. "Butterfly, you are bleeding."

Vienna, caught in embarrassment, looked down at her arm, realizing a small cut had gone unnoticed. "Oh, I didn't even realize."

Treech reached through the bars, gently touching her arm. "Looks like you got a matching wound in the same spot but on different arms," he remarked, a teasing glint in his eyes.

They both laughed, the tension of the arena momentarily forgotten. Vienna felt a strange mix of relief and happiness. Her confession hadn't changed anything between them, even if Treech hadn't said those three words back.

As if on cue, both Coriolanus and Mizzen called out for them. Mizzen approached, informing Treech that Coral wanted to speak to him.

"Hey, Mizzy," Vienna greeted, turning her attention to the young boy she grew a soft spot for. "How are you holding up? Want me to get Persephone to send you anything?"

Mizzen smiled at the new nickname the older girl gave him. "I'll be fine. Thank you, Vienna." He left with a sad expression as Coral called for him to return.

Behind Vienna, Coriolanus spoke up. "We need to go to Dr. Gaul's to get stitched up."

Vienna hesitated. "I don't want to go. I don't need to." She refused to see Dr. Gaul—the woman still scared the living daylights out of her.

Coriolanus sighed and, without much ceremony, began to drag her away. Vienna, being the small girl she was, tried her hardest to fight back, though she didn't stand a chance against his strength and tall physique.

As she was being pulled away, Vienna called out to Treech, her voice carrying caution. "Don't hurt Lamina; whatever you do, don't hurt her, Treech."

The chaos of the arena continued, leaving Vienna and Treech separated once again, each facing their own challenges within the confines of the Capitol's games.

Once they were away from the arena, Coriolanus turned to Vienna. "We need to get you to Dr. Gaul for those stitches."

Vienna shook her head. "I don't need to go to Dr. Gaul's. I'll be fine."

Coriolanus raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "You sure about that, Vienna? The cut looks pretty deep."

Vienna sighed, realizing that arguing with him was the last thing she wanted to do in that moment. "I just... I don't want to go to her. Can't I take care of it myself?"
Coriolanus hesitated, assessing the situation. "You could go to my place; my cousin is good with medical supplies."

Vienna considered the offer but shook her head. "Thanks, Coriolanus, but I'll go to Lucky's. I prefer taking care of myself.

With that, Vienna left, walking to Lucky's home, one of the only places she felt comfortable. She couldn't help but think of the way Coriolanus was being nice. Is there a reason? Was he planning something?

Arriving at Lucky's, Vienna found solace in the familiar surroundings. She approached Lucky, who was in the middle of watching playbacks from the games. "Hey, Lucky. Do you mind if I crash here for the night?"

Lucky looked at Vienna, sensing something more than the need for a place to stay—it wasn't the first time she arrived late at night. "Of course, dear. You know you're always welcome here."

As Vienna settled in, Caesar, Lucky's young son, approached her with excitement. "Vienna! Hi!"

Lucky chuckled at his son's enthusiasm. "Caesar, you should be asleep; it's late."

Caesar grinned. "But I heard Vienna and wanted to say hi and give her a hug!"

Vienna smiled and hugged the enthusiastic little boy, whom she loved like a little brother. She was there for his birth and every milestone since then. The Flickerman's were her real family, and she was immensely thankful for them. "Hey, buddy. I'm going to sleep too, okay?"

Caesar's eyes lit up. "Can you tuck me in, Vienna?"

Vienna agreed, carrying the young boy to his room. The room was simple, due to the fact that he wasn't old enough to have any of his own interests. Still, the room was adorned with colorful posters and toys, matching the midnight blue walls. She helped Caesar get into bed, tucked him in, and sat beside him for a moment.

As she sat there, Caesar couldn't contain his curiosity. "Vienna, do you really like Treech? Like, from the interviews?"

Vienna chucked, ruffling his hair gently. "Yeah, I do, buddy. He's a good guy—you'd like him."

Caesar grinned at the thought of a possible new friend. "I think you two would be cute together—he likes you; you can see it in the way he stares at you. But too bad he's not from the Capitol," he exclaimed. For how young he is, Vienna noticed he spoke maturely, always observing things and pointing them out.

Vienna sighed, contemplating the differences their backgrounds brought into their lives. "Yeah, too bad. Goodnight, Caesar."

After ensuring Caesar was settled, Vienna made her way back to the room Lucky had prepared for her since her childhood. Laying down, her mind wandered to the events of the day, the arena, and Treech. She couldn't shake off the mixture of emotions that lingered within her.

The room, filled with memories of her past stays, provided a sense of comfort, but her thoughts were still entangled in the complexities of the Capitol's games and the tragedy it brought upon her. The day was a wild rollercoaster, and she would have to repeat it the following day. As sleep slowly consumed her, Vienna found comfort in the familiarity of Lucky's home, her refuge in the midst of chaos.

haiiii sweethearts!!!!

i didn't take a week to upload, be proud of me!!
Vienna was the first to say the L word,
but we all know who fell first!
istg Lucky's and Caesar's relationship with
Vienna is one of my favorite things, after
Mizzen's and Lamina's relationship
with her, of course!
stay safe, ily 🦋

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