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JULY 15TH 1994

For the most part, life went on as usual. Again, for the most part.

On the surface, it might've seemed like Emma hadn't invited any major changes into her life. Unless you were someone who knew her to a frustrating degree.

(In other words, Harry. Or James, sometimes.)

Yes, Emma still worked at The Black Dahlia five days a week. She was always on time and did as she was told, smiles for the customers and all.

Now, one of two things could happen when she was done with her shift: the first outcome was going home, either walking (she didn't mind all that much) or driving if James was kind enough to give her the car. This outcome was rather boring and uneventful, even though the peace that came with it was very much needed sometimes.

The second outcome however, involved Liam.

In hindsight, Emma should've known that giving him the number of her workplace wouldn't lead to anything even remotely normal. He was the definition of being a handful and her co-workers were starting to grow tired of getting calls from him (which led Emma to believe that nobody had recognized him yet). It's not like he had anything important to say most of the time.

("It's so fucking sunny, I can't stand it. Can you stand it?")

("Did ever I tell you about that time I pissed all over our kid's sound system? I was drunk out of me fucking mind that night...")


But every now and again, the call would be slightly different.

"Come over when you're done, I need you."

Emma knew good and well that he was speaking hyperbolically, albeit he didn't think so. In his mind, he absolutely needed her.

And she enjoyed it too much.

Their deal was the best thing that had happened to Emma all year. Getting one of those calls made heat pool in her stomach almost immediately.

"You keep forgetting the magic word, Liam." Emma always bit back a smirk when she heard him groan on the other end.

"Come over when you're done, please. Fuck's sake, I hate you. You're worse than Mam and that's saying a lot."

WHEN EMMA FALLS IN LOVE. liam gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now