chapter 1

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The once injured Riolu ran into a little girls arms, a small white bandage was tied neatly around its right leg. The family who had taken it in were too poor to treat the Pokemon with potions and expert equipment, but the berries and remedies seemed to help just fine.

"You're doing so much better Riolu!" The small child squealed as it hugged her affectionately. "You're so fast!"

"Rio! Rio!"

She knew it. Pokemon trainers were a thing, and this was her partner. This adorable little fighter whom had shared so many happy moments with her and her parents. He'd evolve, take her to the champion and end her family's concerns.

It was found, injured at the back of the house of wood and stone. Riolu do generally pick fights they can't win. Her father had found it generously, though their struggles had caused him a change of heart. It was no longer a miracle to some of them.

"Remember not to get too close to it, y/n," a sincere voice warned, "if it's recovering, it should be returned to the wild. You know we can't look after it better than it can care for itself."

The little creature growled and huddled closer to the girl, not wanting to return to the wild. Not without her, anyway. Y/n looked up at her father with sorrowful E/c eyes.

"He doesn't want to, see! He's scared. He's been with us so long. I thought you loved Pokemon!"

"We do, honey," the woman whom must be her mother responded, "but it can't stay! Trouble has always followed when we welcome in too many Pokemon, you know that."

"No! It's not fair!"

The adults looked at each other sadly. With the money they had, they could only afford to keep Riolu for about another year.


That year was unfortunately so short. It wasn't long before the group was scavenging through the forest for the Pokemon's shares. And some of them had just about had enough of it.

The wooden country house was filled with the losing arguments. Memories with the Pokemon were being forgotten by the second and nothing made sense to the child.

"It cannot remain here any longer!" He pointed at the blue creature that he saw take up all of his time, "It's about time I took him back to where it belongs!"

"No father! You can't!" Nine year old y/n was confident that she would look after her greatest friend. "I'll look after him, you'll never have to see him!"

"No, y/n. It's time to let go. We will at least show it the way out. I'm sorry but give it a few nights outside, maybe it'll be a more comfortable life for it out there. Think about what it needs, y/n. Not what you want. You don't want to be selfish, do you?"

To this she slowly nodded, and Riolu was taken back to the forest by y/n's mother.


Three days had passed and no sign of it, until the next dinner time when the small creature was leaning on the window, watching the humans eat. They lost it. Though the girl protested, she was taken to her bedroom while the Pokemon was directed away.

This was so wrong! And yet the process repeated over and over again! They said that they'd bring him back if he didn't settle in. And they'd broken their deal.

Finally, it made the choice to come straight to his best friends window. While the girl slept, it opened the skylight window and tapped her hand. She was immediately delighted, but burst into tears.

"They always take you away!" She sobbed into his shoulder while it chittered comfort to her. "I wish we couldn't be apart, that there could be somewhere we could go!"

"Rio! Lu, Lu!" At these words, it hopped out of her arms and pointed to the window. She understood. He'd found something. "I'll follow you!"

Together they left the house without a sound. She trusted her Pokemon, wiping her tears as she followed it into the woods. They walked for miles. She could never find her way home from here. She was relying only on the being before her that would keep checking that she wasn't too tired or cold.

The sounds scared her on occasion. The cries of a hoothoot, the shrieking of zubat. But even the howl of a mightyena wouldn't stop the two. The leading Pokemon looked like it had a mission.

They reached a mossy shrine, which bore the sculptures of two snake-like Pokemon on either side. Or part dragon part snake. Riolu called out in a pleading manner, and the eyes on the statues glew.

Two beings were summoned, one cloaked in light, the other shrouded in mysterious darkness. The hovered before the girl, and she'd recognised them.

She'd seen them in a picture book once. The ancient legends of the region. But they were long extinct? So they were... their spirits?

They hissed to each other for a while. Then those one covered in light called the girl forward with elegant claws. It was a graceful being. Bright, comforting, warm. It hissed once again, as if casting a spell, before touching the girls forehead with its nose.

As it did this, the woods were filled with dialogue. Were the ones talking... Pokemon? She heard them as if they were people!

"Speak, child." The calm voice was echoed from the Pokemon before her, but caused her to flinch in shock. She could understand them!

"What did you do?"

"There will come a time, where you will be required to understand both the human and Pokemon worlds. I grant you the way to be prepared for said moment."

"That was a lot of tricky words." I'm only nine!

The devilish shadow was next to speak. It's voice was low, teasing and unpleasant, "I grant you the ability to use the moves and abilities of your Pokemon companions."

But the other looked uncertain. "Power is a dangerous path to take."

"Yet she is the only one who could be trusted. Humans too have a lesson to learn of acceptance and equality. She must face temptations and overcome evil. I assure you that as cruel as I once was, sister, I still have good intentions."

"Very well brother. Learn from your companions, dear y/n, and know that we are always watching over you. Everyone deserves to be loved."

A silvery claw was held out to the girl who gazed up at them in awe and gratefulness. She shook it, and the two disappeared. She mouthed a "wow" and turned to her Pokemon.

"Y/n? Can you hear us too?" He sounded so sweet! So much more kind and wise than anyone would imagine his voice to be like.

"I can! I can't believe it!"

"If you really don't want to leave me, stay with us. Your family can look after themselves with less to worry for. And you can live your dream of freedom."

"Yes! That sounds wonderful."

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