Extended info

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Your name is y/n l/n
Y/n are 16 years old like Hunter
The pronouns used are he/him for y/n
Y/n are more of a dominant and bold person, plus y/n's tall (because I never see a tall male y/n for some reason)

Authors notes aka my note will be in parentheses ( ) <— those

Y/n and Hunter don't know each other yet, but you will meet in the first chapter.

I post when I feel like it, I'll probably give updates on why I don't post for a while. It don't expect one.

Also I'll put it at the beginning of the chapter because it pisses me off when there's a random chapter about the Authors update, because then it just another add to watch and I personally don't care most of the time.

Yes, I am one of those people that put the amount of words at the end of the chapter. I use it to see how long the chapter is without scrolling through it.

Y/n has a few issues;

- Y/n is depressed, but more of a 'Has a hard time getting things done' like getting out of bed or doing homework

- Y/n sometimes too reckless since he doesn't care much about his own wellbeing

- Y/n can be extremely protective, sometimes beating the shit out of whoever pissed them off, for example a person makes fun of their friend or y/n just didn't like the way they talked to him

Anyways, if you wanna learn more, read the book or fanfic or whatever you call it.

Yes y/n will have friendships with other characters, if you like or hate someone in particular you can comment it and I might take it into consideration.

Yes, I do have a bunch of shit to do irl (In real life) so the length of the chapters might vary depending on what I have to do.

Y/n's clothes are mainly up to you unless I have something in specific I want y/n to wear. But one thing that stays no matter what any of you say, is the y/n has a few scars over his body, one of which over his left eye making it harder for him to see out of it.

Y/n doesn't have glasses or contacts but if you want him to, I can add it.

Y/n doesn't really have any insecurities but he hates it when people make fun of his scars, since he believes that he got them for a good reason.

Also I do t usually change the POV (point of view) from y/n's since I find it kinda confusing sometimes.
Word count: 457

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