A hero joins the stars

Start from the beginning

A shudder ran through her body.

"Zoe-" he said.

"Stars," she whispered. "I can see the stars again, my lady."

A tear trickled down Artemis's check. "Yes, my brave one. They are beautiful tonight."

"Stars," Zoe repeated. Her eyes fixed on the night sky. And she did not move again.

Thalia lowered her head. Annabeth gulped down a sob, and her father put his hands on her shoulders. They watched as Artemis cupped her hand above Zoe's mouth and spoke a few words in Ancient Greek. A silvery wisp of smoke exhaled from Zoe's lips and was caught in the hand of the goddess. Zoe's body shimmered and disappeared.

Lilia bent over, her head in her knees, chocking on sobs. Percy fell down to her resting his hand on her back in comfort.

Artemis stood, said a kind of blessing, breathed into her cupped hand and released the silver dust to the sky. It flew up, sparkling, and vanished.

For a moment they didn't see anything different. Then Annabeth gasped. Looking up in the sky, they saw that the stars were brighter now. They made a pattern Lilia had never noticed before a gleaming constellation that looked a lot like a girl's figure a girl with a bow, running across the sky.

"Let the world honor you, my Huntress," Artemis said. "Live forever in the stars."

It wasn't easy saying their good-byes. The thunder and lightning were still boiling over Mount Tamalpais in the north. Artemis was so upset she flickered with silver light.

"I must go to Olympus immediately," Artemis said. "I will not be able to take you, but I will send help."

The goddess set her hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "You are brave beyond measure, my girl. You will do what is right."

She turned to Lilia, you are stronger than you think, do not forget that. Artemis's voice rang softly in her head. Lilia nodded tears still falling from her eyes.

Then she looked quizzically at Thalia, as if she weren't sure what to make of this younger daughter of Zeus. Thalia seemed reluctant to look up, but something made her, and she held the goddess's eyes. Lilia wasn't sure what passed between them, but Artemis's gaze softened with sympathy. Then she turned to Percy.

"You did well." she said. "For a man."

She mounted her chariot, which began to glow. We averted our eyes. There was a flash of silver, and the goddess was gone.

"Well," Dr. Chase sighed. "She was impressive; though I must say I still prefer Athena."

Annabeth turned toward him. "Dad, I... I'm sorry that-"

"Shh." He hugged her. "Do what you must, my dear. I know this isn't easy for you." His voice was a little shaky, but he gave Annabeth a brave smile.

Then they heard the whoosh of large wings. Four pegasi descended through the fog: two white winged horses and one pure black one.

"Blackjack!" Percy called.

I assured him Dr. Chase was not. The professor was staring openmouthed at the pegasi.

"Fascinating," he said. "Such maneuverability! How does the wingspan compensate for the weight of the horse's body, I wonder?" Blackjack cocked his head.

"Why, if the British had had these pegasi in the cavalry charges on the Crimea," Dr.
Chase said, "the charge of the light brigade-"

"Dad!" Annabeth interrupted.

Dr. Chase blinked. He looked at his daughter and managed a smile. "I'm sorry, my dear, I know you must go."

He gave her one last awkward, well-meaning hug. As she turned to climb aboard the pegasus Guido, Dr. Chase called, "Annabeth. I know... I know San Francisco is a dangerous place for you. But please remember, you always have a home with us. We will keep you safe."

Annabeth didn't answer, but her eyes were red as she turned away. Dr. Chase started to say more, then apparently thought better of it. He raised his hand in a sad farewell and trudged away across the dark field.

Thalia, Lilia, Annabeth and Percy mounted their pegasi. Together they soared over the bay and flew toward the eastern hills. Soon San Francisco was only a glittering crescent behind them, with an occasional flicker of lightning in the north.

Thalia was so exhausted she fell asleep on Porkpie's back.

Her pegasus flew with ease, adjusting himself every once in a while so Thalia stayed safely on his back.

Annabeth and Lilia flew along side by side.

"Where did you go Lili?" Annabeth whispered.

It was too dark to see her expression. Lilia looked back, even though California was far behind them now, she felt a weird pull towards it.

"I don't know Annie. No one knows. Well the Gods know but they won't say." She sighed.

"Well I'm glad you're back. I've missed you."

"I'm glad I'm back to." She said but a feeling of longing for something she can't remember was stuck in the back of her head.

"thank you for rescuing me."

"Hey, you're my best friend, where would I be without you?"

"You didn't believe I was dead?"


She hesitated. "Neither is Luke, you know. I mean... he isn't dead."

"Annabeth, that fall was pretty bad. There's no way." She said sadly. Luke meant a lot to both of them, but Annabeth seemed to find it so much harder to let him go.

"He isn't dead," she insisted. "I know it. The same way you knew about me."

Lilia chose not to say anything in fear of upsetting her.

The towns were zipping by faster now, islands of light thicker together, until the whole landscape below was a glittering carpet. Dawn was close. The eastern sky was turning gray. And up ahead, a huge white-and-yellow glow spread out before them the lights of New York.

"You don't believe me about Luke," Annabeth said, "but we'll see him again. He's in trouble, Lilia. He's under Kronos's spell."

"There it is." It was Thalia, she'd woken up. "It's started."

"What's started?" Percy asked.

Then they looked where she was pointing. High above the Empire State Building, Olympus was its own island of light, a floating mountain ablaze with torches and braziers, white marble palaces gleaming in the early morning air.

"The winter solstice," Thalia said. "The Council of the Gods."


You're joking not another one!

Sad goodbyes to Zoë, happy hellos to Annabeth.

Snuck a cute little comforting Percy moment in there😜, sorry not the moment.

Anyways this is a short note but as per usual,
Hope everyone's having a great day.

Love you all 🤍

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