
9 0 0

I know, I know, you're *probably* like;
Even though, I know you're NOT.
I forgot about Wattpad, and literally forgot about it's existence. Anyway, back to the story.


"Dude, what the hell?" Your friend yelled, "Why-" but before (s)he got to finish, you quickly spoke.
"Bro, just shut the hell up. You're lucky I even saved your ungrateful ass." You roll your eyes, your friend scoffs.
"Well, thanks. But that's not the point.. You can't just go beefing with people because-.. I mean, well?.. I guess your friend getting kidnapped would be a good reason to fight someone." (S)he chuckled, "Yeah, thanks."

After checking for any injuries, you two go down to the local mall; right down the street!
"Hey, you think we should call (best friend no.2 name)?" Your friend asks. "Uhhhh, ehh... Sure, whatever." You sighed, taking out your phone and dialing his/her number.

815-769-3125 (fake number, hopefully).


"Uh, yo?" Friend no.2 spoke.
"Hey, (name).. It's me, (Y/N). I was calling to see if you wanted to just go to the mall with me and (yeah)."
"The mall? Hell yeah, bro. Ay, uhh.. I'll be there, what mall is it though?" (S)he'd ask.
"The one just down the street.. From your house." You bluntly respond.
"Bet, be there in a few."
You sigh, and sit down on a bench with (ykw); who turns to you.
"Hey, (Y/N)? Do you know anything about that guy... That red demon, dude?" Your friend asked, raising a brow with curiosity.
"Uh, not that I know of.. I just, don't wanna run into him again.." You rub the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes for a moment.

HELLO, BI- Jk, hello, welcome to the end of, now called "Well, Thanks"; chapter 4 (i think). This chapter is kinda dry, but also kinda...........- yeah.
Congrats, for reading this piece of shi- and have a blessed day. Uh, god bless. 🙂
And if you sneezed recently or just did, god bless you. 😍
And if you burped recently or just did, excuse you. 🎪
Okay, I'll stop, and I'll shut up. But seriously, have a nice day today. 😤

(This chapter has not been Grammer checked).

(DISCONTINUED) +Tonight+     [Bob Velseb X Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz