Captured Again//Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa + Child!Reader

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"you're safe"

Request from QueenVivi1977

Hope it is ok and you like it


Leia was in the meeting room with Mon Mothma, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and Admiral Ackbar, when Luke came running in.

Leia alarmed asked, "What is it Luke?"

"They took her..." he panted, "They took (Y/n)."

That made everyone still. (Y/n) was Mon Mothma's adopted niece. She was a bright little bundle of star shine.

Lando breaks the silence, "Why would they take a child?"

"The Empire doesn't care if you are 5 or 105 if you are against them, but I agree that a 3 year old is a bit extreme for what do they want?"

"That is the worse news...."

Leia looked at Luke, her worry growing at Luke's hesitance, "Luke...? What do they want?"

Luke looked up, heartbroken, "They want me and you to join them, and they want Han dead." Leia and Han went over to Luke and they all embraced.

"Well then... I guess we better come up with something cause that ain't happening..."

~~~~with You~~~~~~

You sat in the bland room, bored out of your mind when the door opened.

"Are you ready to cooperate?"

"Are you gonna make my room better?"


"Then why would I ever help you"

The old geezer looked shocked. Little did either of you know the troopers were trying to not laugh and the Empire was in for a ride when the Rebels came... You may be three but you were sassy and spunky, and Leia had taught you how to get under Imperials skin. And you hated this mean old 'Tarkin'.

"That's right! Why would I help you! You are old and mean and ugly and probably are here because your mom never loved you and died of shame!"

Tarkin walked forward and slapped you hard before turning to leave. He stopped at the door, "a street rat like you shouldn't be talking."

Tears welled in your eyes. The old dude just hit a three year old! A toddler! So you did what any young kid that was hurt would do. You cried and cried and screamed and cried. Finally when you had worn yourself out from crying, you passed out on the floor, whimpering in your sleep. Wanting anyone to come for you.

——Part 2 anyone??

Sorry it is short. I'm not sure how to continue...

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