Chapter 2: Surprises and disappointments

Start from the beginning

"Well," Asa began with a sigh, who was first sitting on her desk chair in the middle of her room, then stood to his feet and began pacing back and forth because of her question. "As you know, I have enjoyed delving into my studies. But, interacting with my classmates is difficult. I feel rather gutted."

"Oh?" she inquired, chuckling again, her eyes still focused on her papers. "Why is that?"

Asa hesitated for a moment before responding, "I don't know. I guess it's just because I, I. Oh, hang it all! I don't know."

"Well, have you tried introducing yourself to anyone?" Sophia asked him, hoping to understand the root of Asa's difficulty.

Asa paused, contemplating her question before finally admitting, "I haven't, no. But you understand why I feel about people in the way that I do," he continued with a heavy sigh. "And. Get this. Most of my classmates are female."

"Oh, I see," Sophia chuckled. "So that makes you feel..."

Before Sophia could continue, Asa planted himself next to her on the bed, turned her attention away from her study, and grabbed her hand. "Lovely," he said, looking her directly in the eyes. "You're my girlfriend and the most important person in my life. I don't want you feeling that I'm going against you or being unfair to you in any way. I won't..."

"Asa," Sophia stopped him. "I understand what you're saying. And I appreciate you thinking of me. But I want you to listen to me, okay?" Asa nodded, giving her his full attention. "I don't want you to choose between me and the friends you will make in life. Yes, we need alone time together, but remember this. Make friends. You don't know anybody but me. And quite honestly, I think we need to have time apart. Not only because we won't have a choice but I think it will do us good. We can miss each other. And most of all, we can learn to trust each other. Do you understand what I'm driving at here?"

"I think so," he replied. "At least, I hope I do. You manage to make things rather hard to understand."

"And remember," she continued. "We'll have to get used to being apart for a bit. I am going on a few trips with my dad coming up. Not out of the country or anything, just day trips. Missionary work with the church mostly." Asa nodded, acknowledging her point. "And something else," she added. "We should have confidence in our relationship, even when physically apart."

Asa smiled affectionately at Sophia and leaned in for a kiss. "How wise you are, my love," he said admiringly.

Sophia accepted and received his kiss with pleasure, then asked him, "Do you feel better now?"

"I do," Asa replied, his expression softening.

"Good," Sophia said, returning his smile. "Just one thing, though," she added, stroking his face. "Don't change too much, okay?"

"Sure thing, ma'am," Asa replied, gazing at Sophia's lips, hinting at yet another kiss.

Sophia caught his drift and said, "Asa, it's getting late. You should head home."

"It's not that late," Asa whispered.

"Asa," Sophia said, crossing her arms.

"Alright," he chuckled. "I'll leave. But, first, won't you read me that story from the Bible again? You know, the story of Asa. I'd love to hear it."

"Okay," Sophia reluctantly agreed, glancing at the clock on her desk. "But you have to leave right after, alright?"

"Absolutely," he replied, grinning. Sophia grabbed her Bible from her bookshelf, wiped off the slight dust on it, and soon after seated herself on the floor, leaning against her bed. Asa followed and sat down next to her. Sophia began reading the story, her voice calm and soothing. And despite her initial reluctance, she found herself immersed in the story, the words flowing effortlessly and enthusiastically from her lips. Sophia always loved reading, especially the Bible. But what made it much more enjoyable was that someone was there listening and appreciating it with you. When she finished, minutes later, she looked up to see a look of contentment on his face. "Thank you," he said, standing up. "You read beautifully. I'll see you tomorrow."

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