1 ┊ a freshing... start..!

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﹒➜﹒ meeting the commie

[ Y/N POV ]

Say you'll never leave me.

I step through the portal, falling right into it. As I wake up a few minutes later, I ended up in.. what year? I checked my pocket to see my phone.. it was still there, now to put this.. I'm in 1941 ! ? This is driving me nuts!

"ah shit, I don't even know where I am." I look around, navigating the building, letters around me. It seems I'm in Moscow. What a great way to start, now I'm no longer half asleep.

I look around at how the people here are dressed now I think to myself.. I probably look so out of place here..
But who cares. Let's just .. ah. a mysterious bag! the universe gave me something to prepare before a disaster. (Jinxing it.)

".. weird." I walk around until I walk to where there are no people, and I hear the smell of iron.. which could be blood. And gunshots. Haha.. IM IN A FUCKING WARZONE!

Y/N panicked but frozes as she heard someone yells, a bullet hits your hands.

"Surrender now!" The Russian points a gun at Y/N (wondering who this is?)

The girl quickly surrendered, her hands up. Terrified. (How could you not be? I mean we are in a warzone.)
Fuck that hurts, I don't see medics anywhere, I mean they wouldn't help me tho if they were here.

"I swear I'm no threat! Have mercy on me!" Y/N begs, now that the Russian moves his gun down, his gaze at her, studying and focusing to see if she's a threat. It's clear she doesn't speak German (you probably do but you don't here . ) or neither on the enemy's side, so I guess he's safe for now.

".. hm what's your name." The russian said as we both move to a spot behind a big rock, nobody can see us behind it. To be honest. I thought all countryhumans are bald, glad they aren't ..

"The name's y/n of course.." I look at him, he has an eye patch, red skin, wow. That's unique! Wow at least he isn't bald.

The Russian took a mental note of that name, he then told y/n his name.
"I'm the USSR, Soviet union or just Soviet." He said in a stern monotone voice. He's scary but I could be scarier.

"Do you have a medkit. My hands are literally bleeding! I'm gonna pass out any moment you know?!" I said, it hurts so FUCKING BAD.. I yell at him not in a negative way but maybe half negative and positive.

".. my apologies." He took out a medkit, and started treating the wound/injury you have, he also apologized for shooting your hands too. (this is the nicest thing this Russian has done for anyone.)

yeah to say this.. he didn't treat it in time so you ended up passing out, he took you to the headquarters he is currently waiting for you until you wake up.


I'm sorry this is a short chapter I can't promise there'll be longer. </3

Also yes you are meeting this commie first. Because I said so. ‼️but anyways. Thank you for reading.
- Clem ★

❥﹕ sugar-coated ╰╮countryhumans x reader▒حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن