2 ┊★ where am I?

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| you went unconscious, considering the amount of blood you lost from that bullet in your arm, it isn't questionable. . He immediately picks you up (WITHOUT CONSENT?? JAIL.) ... |

(hey what If I made y/n like travel around and meet past/present day countryhumans from timelines but that is a different chapter for another day)


The soviet carried you to his mansion (he didn't walk to it like literally, this is a world full of assassins imao) now you were laying in his comfortable bed.

A few hours later, you woke up, you opened your eyes to see yourself sleeping in a bed that is more comfortable than what you have been sleeping in at home. Your wound was all patched up, your eyes darting around the room as you got out of bed and slowly walked out of the bedroom, when you did.. you see the Soviet standing outside of the bedroom.

Y/N was surprised for a second, it felt like they got jump scared or startled-
"You scared me." They said rolling their eyes.

"My apologies, how's the wound doing so far? Do you feel uncomfortable? Or no." The Soviet said looking down/up at them crossing his arms looking worried. (y/n can be short or tall depending on you.)

".. I'm fine-" I said reassuring him that I'm okay, maybe not. but I'm still fine.. I gaslight myself, sorry I didn't want to stay here longer, because I know something is off.

"No you're not." The Soviet interrupts, he knew Y/N was lying, but how DID he KNOW 🤨, can he read my mind or something? Forget it. I still don't want to stay here longer.

He cough, as he said something else.
"You should get more rest." The Soviet said in a monotone voice returning to his usual demeanor .

| Something was off you can clearly tell, but you can't describe that shit- |

Okay I'm in the countryhumans universe so what! Do I meet other countries? Well I should somewhere trying to find this all out, but now I'm here standing with my arm patched up. I was overthinking it to be honest.

"Hello?" The Soviet once again interrupts them, Y/N quickly snaps back ignoring the USSR and just goes back into the USSR room to get some rest. Just wondering what's in store for tomorrow, help I didn't mean to ignore the commie.

| The USSR in sleeping in the guest room if your wondering where he's sleeping, no he's not sleeping on the floor. |


. .

DON'T GO YET- this is not the end, I'm just gonna timeskip to morning lol .
And yes I changed it to his house, I don't think headquarters would be nice apparently I researched so I changed it uhuh 👍



Y/N woke up, still feels tired but hey at least they didn't pull an all-nighter.
For some reason their back hurts a bit so they get out of bed and stretch.

Wondering what time it is, I look at the clock, it's early in the morning.
I perks up at the sound of the door creaking, feels like someone is opening it.

"Good morning. Are you fine."
The USSR says in a strong slavic accent, you can't really understand him very well.

"Uh- yeah I am- the wound is healing-" I said looking down at my left arm, I did not LIKE how straightforward this man is.

"Well, that means you can come out now?" He questioned Y/N, he doesn't trust you since he doesn't know you that well. You might as well can guess he might ask you some questions.

"Yeah I can-" I said, with no hesitation, I just walk out of his bedroom. oh god he probably thinks I'm a spy, how do I word this to him? That I accidentally went through a portal when I was half asleep? He probably gonna thinks I'm gaslighting him!

"Anyways. I don't know you that well, what's your name and where are you from?" The USSR said directly to y/n

I mean this is his country, so but that doesn't mean he can't tell me a simple question as "can I ask you questions?"

"the name's y/n, I'm from _____ I think I already know your name." Y/N YOU IDIOT, now he's gonna be more suspicious of us! okay calm down bro.

I probably have sm typos, Grammer mistake here Ong (on gosh)


Whoops dead end, I'll have to end it here 👺.


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